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不要浪费剩余的荤菜。Don’t waste the carcass.

尸体开始肿胀了。The carcass started to bloat.

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你这僵尸,快躺进沟里吧!Lie in the ditch, you carcass.

颤抖的尸体回避著阳光。Shivering carcass shuns the light.

烧毁建筑物的基本构架。The carcass of a burned-out building.

我们遇到了一具狮子的尸体。We came across the carcass of a lion.

他们再也没有吃过一点荤腥。They never ate another animal's carcass.

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秃鹰尽情享用著一只兔子的遗骸。The vultures feasted on a rabbit carcass.

他把她的尸体抛在地上,踩在上面。He cast down her carcass to stand upon it.

和非洲一具被苍蝇激醒的腐尸之间。And, in Africa, a carcass quick with flies.

你得说'你这僵尸,快躺进沟里吧!You should say, 'Lie in the ditch, you carcass.'

鸡的骨架可以熬成鸡汤。The chicken carcass can be rendered down to make stock.

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它的尸体现在却完全像石头一样坚硬、冰冷。But now his heavy carcass is utterly rock hard and cold.

鸡骨头上还可能有点儿肉呢。You might find a bit of meat left on the chicken carcass.

你这僵尸,快躺进沟里吧!"So he walked on, saying, "Lie in the ditch, you carcass.

北极熊在黄昏时返回鲸鱼尸体找食物。A polar bear returns to the whale carcass to feed at dusk.

他把骆驼的内脏取出来,剥下它的皮,然后爬进骆驼的躯壳中。He guts and skins the camel and crawls inside its carcass.

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连动物的尸体都是那么美丽高雅地细刻精雕。The carcass of an animal is a beauteous and elegant thing.

尽管这里前不着村后不着店,但在15分钟内,附近村庄的数百位村民便闻讯而来。Within 15 minutes, starving villagers arrive at the carcass.

早上小巷里出现狗的尸体被轮胎碾过。Dog carcass in alley this morningtire tread on burst stomach.