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甲虫傲慢地说。Beetle said arrogantly.

他傲慢地坚持己见。He insisted arrogantly.

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跳蚤傲慢地说。The flea said arrogantly.

反而,她傲慢的昂起了头。Rather, she raised her head arrogantly.

学好英语骄傲的向世界表白!Learn English arrogantly to world vindicating!

我开始骄傲,能被你这样深爱着。I start arrogantly , can love by your such depth.

荞麦往后挺了挺身子,比以前更加傲慢了。Buckwheat leaned backwards much more arrogantly than before.

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你夜郎自大的傲慢态度是最大的错误。The biggest mistake you can make is arrogantly assuming you know it all.

蜂蜡蜡烛傲慢地说,就好像她已经是晚会的主人。The Beeswax candle said arrogantly as if she was the hostess of the party.

意大利人傲慢地哼了一声,“那么她今天早上对你又说了什么呢?”" the Italian arrogantly snorted. "And what did she say to you this morning?

我不再认为自大的渴望成为众人瞩目的焦点是好事情。I no longer think that arrogantly craving the limelight is a beautiful thing.

陈先生因为与某些高官经常往来,他的举止有些傲慢。Being in bed with some high-ranking officials, Mr. Chen acts somewhat arrogantly.

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最令我骄傲的是,我有一双成为未来扬琴家的手。Most makes me arrogantly is, I will have one pair to become the future dulcimer hand.

假如我们在公共场合自傲,我们就很难赢得他们的尊重,更不用提友谊了。If we act arrogantly in public, we will hardly win their respect, not to mention friendship.

这并不意味着委内瑞拉之外的人可以傲慢地告诉他们什么是必要的。This does not mean those outside Venezuela arrogantly giving lectures about what is necessary.

但我突然发现我已经自大的抛弃了所有年轻时书呆子的优秀品质。It occurred to me that I had arrogantly banished all the nerd qualities that defined me as a youth.

比如说,如果你有个上级总是很傲慢的和你说话,那他就是骑在高头大马上。For instance, if someone who's superior to you and always speaks to you arrogantly , he's on high horse.

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我现今在埃及人向这百姓发狂傲的事上得知,耶和华比万神都大。Now I know that the Lord is greater than all other gods, for he did this to those who had treated Israel arrogantly.

暗夜精灵的军队被打败了,那个巨大的艾瑞达术士,无数世界的毁灭者,傲慢地走向了世界树。The Night Elf army was overrun, and the great Eredar warlock, destroyer of countless worlds, arrogantly marched to the World Tree.

丰收的稻子总是弯腰向著大地,浅薄的稗子才会高傲地望著天空。The abundant harvest rice always bends its waist toward the earth, only the superficial barnyard grass look at the sky arrogantly.