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也许她是个私生女。Perhaps she was an illegitimate daughter.

这一解释是非法的、无效的。This interpretation is illegitimate and invalid.

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伊丽莎白生了亨利的私生子。Elizabeth gives birth to Henrys illegitimate son.

没多久珍妮怀了孕,产下一非婚生的小女儿。Soon she becomes pregnant and births an illegitimate girl.

她是一个未婚的女农奴的私生子。She is the illegitimate children of an unmarried female serfs.

他们是否在草泽里悄声议论那些青蛙私生子。Whether they whisper to each other in swamps about illegitimate frogs.

非婚生子女认领制度是亲属法上的一项重要制度。Illegitimate child claim system is an important system of the family law.

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在麦克莱蒂主持下进行的任何选举都会被很多人视为是非法的。Any election held under Mr Micheletti will be seen by many as illegitimate.

长期以来,“互动世界报”就像一个生长在贵族家庭的私生子。Le Monde Interactif grew up feeling like the illegitimate offspring of a noble family.

非婚同居作为一种事实状态,其存在具有合理性和现实性。Being the fact or state, the illegitimate cohabitation contains rationality and reality.

她之后试图通过强调聚居区建设的“非法”性来收回之前的说法。She later sought to backpedal by insisting that the settlements remained "illegitimate".

她是一个私生女,战争期间在那不勒斯极度贫困的贫民窟里长大。An illegitimate child, she grew up in the slums of Naples during wartime in dire poverty.

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另一方面,制裁却巩固了这个非法政府的权力。On the other hand, we have sanctions which are strengthening the illegitimate government.

购物者错误进入了非法站点并且提供了认证信息。A shopper mistypes and enters the illegitimate site and provides confidential information.

她说,你一个私生女,还厚颜无耻地来找人家养你。She said, you are an illegitimate daughter, also have no shame to find people to support you.

现在我们理解优生学是一种非法的学说,但为何今天我们还要对此忧虑呢?We understand now that eugenics was an illegitimate science, so why even worry about it today?

命令私生子女的父亲向孩子提供赡养费的诉讼案件。法院令状,该令状使私生孩子的父亲为其私生孩子支付赡养费。Court case to order the father of an illegitimate child to provide for the child's maintenance.

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奥巴马医改所作的非法的交易很明显违反了这一标准。The illegitimate bargains on which ObamaCare is premised manifestly fail to meet this standard.

据一个统计表明,香港商人们已经是50多万非婚生子女的生父。By one count Hong Kong businessmen have fathered more than a half million illegitimate children.

它也降低了非婚生育的数量,而增加了婚生子女的数量。It has also reduced the number of illegitimate births and increased the number of legitimate ones.