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福分是什么?What’s a blessing?

我真的很幸运。Well I had blessing.

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祝福无重数,全是我发出。No, blessing all is me.

生活性福甜蜜。Life sex blessing is sweet.

这才是蒙福之途。That is the way of blessing.

也是有车族的福音。You Juzu is also a blessing.

这说不上是纯粹的幸福。It is not an unmixed blessing.

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这才是唯一的蒙福之途。It is the only way of blessing.

灾祸是福,塞翁失马焉知非福。Disaster is blessing in disguise.

我来给你我的祝福。加精!Ive come to give you my blessing.

愿你赐福给你的百姓。May your blessing be on your people.

这既是一种幸运也是一个祸根。This is both a blessing and a curse.

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美丽的白衣天使,祝福你!Best blessing to you! My dearest dad!

门口还贴了倒“福”字。The door also posted a blessing word.

这个计划须经你同意。The plan is subject to your blessing.

喜临门。Blessing has descended upon the house.

对51岁的尔森来说,这是一件双喜临门的事。For Erson, 51, it's a double blessing.

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身体健康是千金难买的福气。Good health is an invaluable blessing.

山陵、溪谷夸说你的幸福。Hill and dale doth boast thy blessing.

khagendra真是一个来自上帝的祝福。Khagendra is a true blessing from God.