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他们有许多洲际导弹。They have many intercontinental missiles.

我的首要目标是洲际杯。My first objective is the Intercontinental Cup.

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洲际酒店集团正与创业型公司Topguest合作。InterContinental is working with start-up company Topguest.

那里的蓝片岩是由于陆内俯冲而形成。The blueschist was formed owing to intercontinental subduction.

俄国人首先发射了洲际弹道导弹。The russians first fielded an intercontinental ballistic missile.

米兰前锋回顾了丰田杯的比赛。The Rossonero striker looked back at the Intercontinental Cup final.

总部位于伦敦的洲际集团在全球运营约4300家酒店。London-based InterContinental operates some 4, 300 hotels around the world.

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阅兵典礼将展示中国新型核武洲际导弹。China to unveil new nuclear-capable intercontinental missiles on National Day.

朝鲜已威胁要试射一枚洲际弹道导弹。North Korea has threatened to test-fire an intercontinental ballistic missile.

洲际俱乐部位于酒店46层,可坐享滨城全线海景。Club InterContinental located on the 46th floor has a panoramic view of the city.

早古生代北祁连是一个陆间微洋盆。North Qilian range was a intercontinental micro-oceanic basin of Early Paleozoic.

如果你有一点余钱,不妨到香港的时候就入住这家洲际酒店吧。If you have a few extra dollars to spend, take in the InterContinental while in Hong Kong.

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不过,也有一个团队展示了一种用于洲际运输的大型氢动力机翼概念。One team, however, did present a large hybrid wing concept for intercontinental transport.

在上海锦江汤臣大酒店,敬请体验独一无二的洲际婚礼。Experience all the best in an Intercontinental Wedding in Intercontinental Shanghai Pudong.

陆基洲际弹道导弹成了废物。只能呆在发射井里。Land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles will be rendered unserviceable in their silos.

这样可以让读者方便地区分战区导弹与洲际导弹。This allows the reader to differentiate between theater and intercontinental assets with ease.

这里有最重要的跨洲公路和铁路,从布鲁塞尔、柏林到华沙。Principal intercontinental highways and railways traverse Lublin from Brussels, Berlin to Warsaw.

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可以远眺繁华城市景色的另一个塔楼大泳池是位于香港的洲际酒店。Another rooftop pool with a prime city view is the infinity pool at Hong Kong's Intercontinental Hotel.

欠补偿周缘前陆盆地发育于陆间造山带的早期阶段。Underfilled peripheral foreland basins develop in the initial stage of intercontinental orogenic belts.

所谓的运载工具包括战略轰炸机、核潜艇和洲际弹道导弹。Delivery vehicles include strategic bombers, nuclear submarines and intercontinental ballistic missiles.