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我把那封信原封退回去了。I returned the letter unopened.

花萼围绕在花瓣的外层。Calyx encloses an unopened flower bud.

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这封信被原封不动地退了回来。The letter was returned to him unopened.

你可曾将一个没打开的礼物留在树下?Have you left an unopened gift under the tree?

我在抽屉里发现了一封未拆的信。I discovered an unopened letter in the drawer.

喂入条中有未打开的粗纱条。Presence of unopened roving in the feed sliver.

桌上杂乱地堆放着一些纸张和未拆的信。The desk was a chaos of papers and unopened letters.

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他们面前的桌上,放着一本未打开的圣经。While on the table before them was lying unopened a Bible.

如果那里有一瓶未开封的苏打水,那当然可以放回去。If there's an unopened bottle of soda, that obviously goes back.

又因惧怕认列亏损的痛苦,一直不愿拆阅投资报表。Fear of the pain of recognizing losses keeps statements unopened.

预包装好的熟食肉如果保持未开封,则有较长的货架期。Prepackaged deli meats have a long shelf life if they remain unopened.

的桌子上还有一包没有开过的奥利奥,保佑他。W. also keeps an unopened package of Oreo cookies in his desk, bless him.

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的桌子上还有一包没有开过的奥利奥,保佑他。D. W. also keeps an unopened package of Oreo cookies in his desk, bless him.

她的社保卡仍然在她的信件里,封口一直没拆开过。HerSocial Security card remained in her papers, the original envelope unopened.

她的社保卡仍然在她的信件里,封口一直没拆开过。Her Social Security card remained in her papers, the original envelope unopened.

当你充满忧虑和紧张地度过每天时,你丢弃了一份没拆开的礼物。When you worry and hurry through your day, it's like an unopened gift thrown away.

在冰箱里或在凉爽的陈列柜上,开封的油可以保质一年或者是未开封的油可以保质两年。In a fridge or a chilly cabinet, it'll keep about 1 year opened and 2 years unopened.

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没切开的室间隔最多的小腿下端前部及深部室间隔。The most commonly unopened compartment was the anterior compartment of the lower leg.

脚泡如果不疼痛或者位于承重部位的话就不要把它破开。Leave blisters unopened if they are not painful or in a weight-bearing area of the foot.

其外孙杨恽从小爱读外公这部尚未公开的书稿。Yang Yun, her son, in his childhood, liked reading his grandfather's unopened manuscript.