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吸液性能是吸液原纸的一项主要性能指标。Absorbability is an important property of waterleaf base paper.

结论PVC输液袋对依诺沙星的吸附作用不明显。Conclusion PVC infusion sets have no absorbability on enoxacin.

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胆怯﹐做事不定﹐胆量小﹐容易作呕﹐吸收力差。Afraid, inconsistency at work, timid, nausea, poor absorbability.

目的考察PVC输液袋对依诺沙星的吸附性。Objective To investigate the absorbability of the PVC infusion sets to enoxacin.

本文研究了膨胀石墨对汽机油的吸附性性能。The absorbability of petrolic oil on the expansive graphite has been researched.

本文研究了挤压疏解作用对木片吸收性的影响。The paper studies on the effect of impressafining on absorbability of wood chips.

目的考察PVC输液袋对环丙沙星的吸附性。Objective To investigate the absorbability of the PVC infusion sets to ciprofloxacin.

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深层滋养肌肤,增强肌肤的吸收能力,使面容红润丰腴,富有弹性和光泽。It can nourish the skin deeply, improve the absorbability of the skin, soft the skin and make it healthy.

氨基硅油因有良好的吸附性、反应性,已被广泛用于纤维织物的整理。Amino silicone oil has been already applied in fabric finishing for its good absorbability and reactivity.

在如上工艺条件下抄成的食用油过滤纸具有较好的过滤性能、干湿强度和透气性能。Following the above conditions, the paper has good absorbability , air permeability, wet and dry strength.

本文研究了助鞣剂PAT和PCP在裸皮中的吸收情况和鞣革性能。The absorbability in pelt and tanning properties of auxilliary tanning agents PAT and PCP had been investigated.

结果表明,蚕丝纸具有一定的机械强度及良好的透气性和吸收性。The study showed that silk paper has certain mechanical strength and has good air permeability and absorbability.

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创新吸收体,充分吸收,超强锁水,能提供更周全防护和更干爽感觉。Innovative absorber, fully absorbed, super absorbability could lock the blood and provide more comprehensive protection.

超细粉碎后大豆豆皮膳食纤维的混合颗粒吸水量最大、吸水速率最高,可溶性物质最少,而黏度最大。Its quantity and rate of water absorbability were biggest and fastest, its solubility was least and viscosity was biggest.

该纤维因具有独特的中空截面形状,做成的织物具有手感滑爽、色泽亮丽、布面组织丰满,圆滑、吸湿快干的特性。The hollow cross-section makes the fiber full, smooth with high color brilliance, good absorbability and quick dry ability.

然而人体肌肤对珍珠粉的吸收能力极其微弱,故而,使用珍珠粉关键在于吸收率。However, human skin's capacity to absorb pearl powder is very weak, so the key of using the pearl powder is the absorbability.

由此可推断,包合物能够显著增加药物分子在机体内的吸收速率、提高药物的生物利用度。In conclusion, inclusion complex can obviously enhance the absorbability rate of drugs in the body and improve the bioavailability.

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建立了测定复合脱硫液中氧化栲胶含量的方法,即在紫外光区内利用双波长等吸收法测定吸光度,并计算其含量。The absorbability of tannic extract was detected with the method of dual wave length-equal absorbance, and its content was computed.

非PVC材质与大输液相容性良好,对药物吸附性较小。Non-PVC infusion packages have good compatiˉbility with infusion solutions and the absorbability of which to medicine is fairly small.

动力转向系统具有转向操纵灵活、轻便、并可吸收路面对前轮产生的冲击等优点。The power steering system has the advantages such as the steering sensitivity, handiness and absorbability of the impulse from the road.