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有什么地方风味?Do you have any local specialties?

翠园供应特制的中国菜。Jade Garden serves many Chinese specialties.

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也就是糖醋炸桂鱼,这是我们这儿的特色菜,味道很好。That is one of our specialties and very tasty.

天津的特产是煎饼和麻花。Tianjin's specialties are battercake, twist dessert.

老龙口白酒,雪花啤酒是沈阳的特产。Laolongkou liquor and Snow Beer are Shenyang specialties.

租居权利有其特殊性,源于租赁合同。It is originated from the contract and has its specialties.

我们的特色菜是炸板鱼,炒蟹和牛排。Our specialties are fried sole, deviled crab and beef cutlet.

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分析了灭茬、碎土和起垄联合作业的功能特点。Also the specialties of rototilling and ridging were analysed.

食品主要特色为德式香肠和德国烤猪肘。Food specialties are home made sausages and crispy pork knuckle.

焗饭、酥皮汤是店内的招牌。The casserole and the flaky crust soup are the house specialties.

“铁面”鱼、“无丝”藕是合肥的两大特产。In addition, the carp and lotus root are two specialties of Hefei.

我们的招牌菜有牛排、炒鱿鱼片和烤鸭。Our specialties are beef cutlet, fried slice squid, and roast duck.

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我们主要的特色产品是客家擂茶、东方美人茶和麻糬。Hakka Ground Tea, Oriental Beauty Tea and Mochi are our specialties.

哦,对了,酸菜鱼是本餐厅的招牌菜之一,不过有占点辣。Sauerkraut is one of the specialties of the house. But it's a bit hot.

拉斯罗卡斯酒吧和烧烤是新鲜的海鲜特产的最佳位置。Las Rocas Bar and Grill is the best spot for fresh seafood specialties.

啊,请进,请进,我们需要另一次两栖登陆。Ah, Come in, come in. We need another one of your amphibious specialties.

在何处学过多长时间汉语或有关专业?。Where and how long have you studied Chinese or other related specialties?

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现有染织艺术设计和服装艺术设计两个专业方向。At present, offering two specialties in textile design and fashion design.

票据抗辩源于民法抗辩,但有许多特殊之处。Bill demurrer originates from civil demurrer, but it has many specialties.

尤以鱼和老鸭汤堪称当地的特色菜。In particular the fish and sour duck soups stand out as local specialties.