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加入新鲜芒果汁。Add in fresh mango juice.

芒果汁可致癌…Mango juice prevents cancer.

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将芒果削皮、去核、切丁。Peel, stone and dice the mango.

有一天我会对芒果街说再见。One day I wll say goodbye to Mango.

把芒果去皮,起肉,备用。Peel and core the mango. Set aside.

芒果冰也是一种受欢迎的点心。Mango ice is also a popular dessert.

酒吧里有醉人的芒果玛格丽塔。Fabulous mango margaritas at the bar.

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很抱歉,我们只有罐装的芒果汁。Sorry, we only have canned mango juice.

很抱歉,我们只有罐装的芒果汁。Strawberry, but this time, mango juice.

芒果拥有一个触摸输入屏。Mango features a touch screen for input.

厨师把刀戳进芒果里。The cook stuck the knife into the mango.

西米加入芒果汁和芒果粒。Add sago into mango juice and diced mango.

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用锋利的削皮刀去掉杧果皮。Skin the mango with a sharp pairing knife.

史密斯先生的院子里有一颗芒果树。There was a mango tree in Mr Smith's yard.

我喜欢的水果是芒果和凤梨。My favorite fruits are mango and pineapple.


埃斯佩朗莎搬到了芒果街上的一个新家。Esperanza moves into a new home on Mango Street.

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西米,芒果,芒果冰淇淋和柚子做的甜品。Sago, mango, mango ice cream and pomelo dessert.

不好意思,我只能喝芒果汁和柠檬水。I am sorry. I only have mango juice and lemonade.

我把它写下来,芒果有时说再见。I write it down and Mango says goodbye sometimes.