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也许你们会嘲笑我。Maybe you will scoff.

你喜欢嘲笑。You are pleased to scoff.

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不要嘲笑幸运兔脚这种说法了。Don't scoff at those lucky rabbit feet.

凡经过的人都必摇手嗤笑她。All who pass by her scoff and shake their fists.

嘲笑别人的宗教信仰是不对的.It’s wrong to scoff at others’ religious beliefs.

许多人听到米赛斯的理论时都做出了嘲讽。Many people scoff when they first hear Mises's claims.

但这并不意味着你每一顿都要狼吞虎咽地进食面食。But that doesn't mean you need scoff pasta at every meal.

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一些作家嘲笑将两种媒体混合的想法。Some authors scoff at the idea of mixing the two mediums.

我终日成为笑柄,人都嘲笑我。I am become a laughing-stock all the day, all scoff at me.

但是它们精确的生产过程无可挑剔。But their precise production process is nothing to scoff at.

蔡妈妈可能会藐视我的好父母在子女教育上破碎的决心。Chua might scoff at my wonderful parents' crumbling resolve.

军事分析家们感到恐慌,他们将中国视为美国在西太平洋上海洋霸权地位的一个日益强大的威胁,而中国安全专家则倾向于嘲笑这些危言耸听。China security specialists tend to scoff at all the scaremongering.

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很多宠物爱好者都认为这些支出不值得一谈。RESPONSIBILITY FACTOR Many pet lovers scoff at talk about expenses.

囫囵吞枣的吃完午饭,然后又整个下午昏昏沉沉?Do you scoff down a huge lunch before feeling lethargic all afternoon?

很多专家对这种想法嗤之以鼻,任何国家都可能处于“领先地位”。Most experts scoff at the idea that any country could be "ahead" at all.

我疑心有几个朋友偷偷嘲笑我温和的锻炼程序。I have friends who, I suspect, secretly scoff at my mild work-out routines.

但在中国,滑雪是一种老外的运动,当地人嘲笑外人这种怪异的玩法。But skiing is an alien sport, and locals scoff at the weird ways of outsiders.

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很多职业程序员会嘲笑这种开发工具,权当作玩具罢了。And many professional programmers will scoff at the development tool as a mere toy.

贝克汉姆永远无法摆脱轻视与讥嘲,不过他现在已几乎摆脱批评了。Beckham will never be beyond scoff or scorn, but he is very nearly beyond criticism now.

一些研究者看不起用电脑来释梦的行为,甚至瞧不起那些临床医学家的作为。Some researchers scoff at the need for computers or even therapists to interpret dreams.