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和抹香鲸和逆戟鲸的结果一样。Same result as Sperm Whale vs Orca.

杀人鲸捕猎时就像一群狼,无所畏惧。Hunting like a pack of wolves, orca know no fear.

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现在奥卡空袭能够直接击毁泰伯利亚精炼厂或者重创科技中心。Now Orca Strike can directly destroy a refinery or seriously damage a Tech Center.

这项投资使华人文化产业投资基金成为巨鲸最大的股东,第二大股东是谷歌。The investment makes CMC the biggest shareholder of Orca Digital, followed by Google.

当友好的小鲁拉想和人类交朋友时,人们觉得它既可爱又可怕。When the friendly orca seeks companionship from people, he becomes beloved and feared.

Orca出品的能量手镯是一个胶皮的腕带中嵌入电池,以便为电子设备及时的补充电能。The Orca PowerStrap is a battery bracelet that provides emergency power for your gadgets.

比如你的奥卡可能会对一个红血目标射出过多的导弹。For instance, Your Orca will always unload one too many missiles into a near dead opponent.

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研究者称,作为食物链顶端的捕食者,逆戟鲸难逃一劫。Researchers theorize that may help doom the transient orca pod at the top of the food chain.

不列颠哥伦比亚省的瓜依哈纳斯国家海洋保护区的逆戟鲸浮出水面呼吸空气。An orca surfaces for air in Gwaii Haanas National Marine Conservation Area Reserve in British Columbia.

我第一次看到鲸鱼是在1970年初伦敦郊外的一个野生动物园里,那是一头叫拉姆的逆戟鲸。I saw my first whale in a safari park outside London—a captive orca named Ramu—back in the early 1970s.

奥兰多海底世界发生虎鲸伤人事件三天之后,虎鲸表演馆重新开放。SeaWorld Orlando's killer whale show has reopened, three days after an orca killed one of the trainers.

事实上,渐渐的兽人们狂暴的天性似乎已然消失殆尽,代之以某种奇怪的消沉。Indeed, as time passed, the orca seemed to lose their raging bloodlust completely and lapse into a strange communal stupor.

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第三,海獭数量变化的不均衡性恰好表明了逆戟鲸捕食理论比污染理论更合理。And third, the uneven pattern of otter decline is better explained by the orca predation theory than by the pollution theory.

利用本文给出的ORCA结构对CLB进行测试,可以尽可能地对CLB中的故障进行完全测试,提高测试效率,减少了测试成本。Utilizing ORCA structure to test CLB can test all faults of CLB, improve the efficiency of testing and reduce the cost of test.

是时候顺着Keiko的鳍划出的轨迹来尝试为人工饲养的虎鲸营造更美好、更自在、更享受尊重的生活了。It's time to follow Keiko's fin strokes and try again to give a captive orca a better life, a more natural life, a more respectful life.

如今,巨鲸希望新筹集的资金及其投资者、刚退役的NBA球星姚明的明星效应将帮助其推动业务增长。Now, Orca Digital is hoping newly raised funds and the star power of its investor, newly retired NBA star Yao Ming, will help boost its business.

虽然有些人把这些名称交替使用,鼠海豚科实际上是一个更大的群体,其中还包括像虎鲸和白鲸等动物。Although some people use these names interchangeably, porpoises are actually a larger group that also includes animals like the orca and the beluga whale.

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在来自斯坦福大学的研究团队仿效虎鲸耳朵结构做出设计之后,该非传统的方法得以成功验证。And the unorthodox approach proved successful after the team from Stanford University came up with a design modelled on the structure of the ear of orca wales.

在20世纪初的澳大利亚,新南威尔士的伊甸海滩边的捕鲸者会与一群杀人鲸合作,它们的头儿是一头叫“老汤姆”的雄鲸。In Australia in the early 20th century, shore whalers at Eden, on the coast of New South Wales, co-operated with a pod of orca led by a bull male named Old Tom.

最近在海洋世界的一名驯鲸员之死向我们表明,人类对鲸鱼的干涉注定是麻烦重重且充满剥削性--有时以一种不同寻常的方式剥削。As the recent death of an orca trainer in Seaworld shows, our interface with whales seems destined to be troubled, and certainly exploitative—sometimes in unusual ways.