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你玩过魂斗罗和合金弹头吗?You played contra or metal slug?

这是太阳能海蛞蝓。This is a solar-powered sea slug.

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所有的冲头及剪边冲必须有废料顶出器。All punches and trim steels must have slug ejectors.

软软的鼻涕虫斯华利,在轻轻地唱着一些傻傻的歌。Swarly the squishy slug softly sings some silly songs.

重锤试验是一种获得含水层水文地质参数的新方法。Slug test is a new method to obtain aquifer parameters.

在小碗中放着切下来血淋淋的包皮。In a kidney bowl lies the bloodied slug that was his foreskin.

颗粒从上面纷纷下落,最后腾涌消失。Particles rain down from the slug and it finally disintegrates.

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穗积是合金弹头2和合金弹头X第五个头目。The Hozmi is the fifth boss from Metal Slug 2 and Metal Slug X.

他们将死于感染,而“鼻涕虫”则保持健康。They then die of the infection, while the slug remains healthy.

在多相流管道输送中,柱塞流是常见的一种流动形式。Slug flow is a common flow form in multiphase flow transportation.

听到这“养懒汉”三个字,老实说,我觉得分外刺耳。Hear this " raise slug " 3 words, plainspoken, I feel especially harsh.

用上述方法使公共债务成为货币将导致通胀。Monetising a slug of public debt in this way is bound to be inflationary.

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我们有了蕈类,那来点肉如何阿?瞧瞧这只蛞蝓的尺寸。Once we had mushrooms, how about some meat? Look at the size of the slug.

老史称,公众关注是撒在比尔德伯格大鳄的纯盐。Skelton stated that , Publicity is pure salt to the giant slug of Bilderberg.

很少掉队或突然转向或摇摆或倾斜,踌躇满志的蛞蝓蹒跚了。Seldom swerving or straggling or swaying or skewing, the smug slug shambled on.

我愤怒极了,把我的头顶到其中一个男孩的肚子上然后我们互相撕打起来。Angry, I rammed my head into the stomach of one and we began to slug each other.

研究中没有观察到表面性剂对塞状流与弹状流转换的影响。No obvious change is observed for the transition between plug flow and slug flow.

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寻找并摧毁你的敌人或粉碎的新合金弹头坦克装甲他们!Seek and destroy your enemies or crush them with the new Metal Slug armored tank!

在起伏多相管流中常出现段塞流。Slug flow is one of the most common flow patterns in a hilly multiphase pipe flow.

太空蛞蝓是硅基生命体,一般长度极少超过10米。Silicon-based lifeforms, the typical space slug rarely exceeds 10 meters in length.