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气候平衡理论说。Climatic Balance.

裂谷热预测和气候模型RVF forecasting and climatic models

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决定气候大陆度的方法很多。Climatic continentality is of great use.

也有人归结于气候变化Other people have suggested climatic shift.

那将是撒但欺蒙的高峰。That will be the climatic deception of Satan.

最后一部分的气候的樵夫的三部曲。The climatic final part of the Woodman's trilogy.

咖啡树仅仅能在非常有限的气候区域内生长。Coffee grows well within a limited climatic range.

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干旱是主要气候灾害之一。The drought is one of the main climatic disasters.

埃塞俄比亚戈纳地区现在的气候酷热无比。Today Gona in Ethiopia is a place of climatic extremes.

水稻产量的高低与气候因子密切相关。The rice yield is closely related with climatic factors.

干旱是一种较长时间尺度的气候灾害。Drought is a long lasting and the most damaging climatic disaster.

气象因子对TSP质量浓度的影响十分明显。Climatic conditions have a great effect on the concentrations of TSP.

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此外,安加拉植物群代表了温带气候条件。In addition, the Angara flora represents a temperate climatic condition.

这些特点反映了粘土夹层形成于冷湿气候条件下。Both aspects reflect that clay form in a cold and wet climatic condition.

第三,气候变化影响裂点的后退速度。Thirdly, the climatic change affects the retreating speed of knickpoints.

电影最后在维拉德和苏泊之间的一场令人兴奋的决斗的高潮中结束。The movie ends with a climatic and exciting duel between Villard and Suba.

南京农业气候资源潜力很大。There are great potentialities in Nanjing agricultural climatic resources.

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研究江苏沿海海蛰类养殖的气候适宜性。Climatic suitability of jellyfish breeding in Jiangsu littoral was studied.

地球变暖以及随之而来的气候变化影响着我们所有人。The warming of the Earth and the con- sequent climatic changes affect us all.

用城郊对比法研究了近六、七十年来兰州城市发展对城市气候环境的影响。The climatic environment and CO2 of air in this cave are studied and depicted.