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外审员有巨大的影响力。External auditors wield great influence.

在民主国家里,人民可以行使权力。People may wield the power in a democracy.

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这两个主要官员掌握着巨大的权力。The two principal officeholders wield enormous power.

这两个主要官员掌握著巨大的权力。The two principal officeholders wield enormous power.

黑鬼长有硬皮,挥舞巨大的刀剑。Most Oni dress in tighter skins and wield huge swords.

主武器、副武器切换,还有道具,不能双持武器。Primary and Secondary weapon plus items, no dual wield.

只要是对家庭有好处的,尽情的行使你的超级父母权力吧!Wield your super-parent powers for the good of the family.

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双武器现在也可以让你招架前方的近战攻击。Dual Wield now also allows you to parry frontal melee attacks.

在美国,人民通过选票行使真正的政治权力。In the United States, people who vote wield real political power.

对他们的牙齿武装,他们使用燃烧的刀剑和激光爆破工。Armed to their teeth, they wield flaming swords and laser blasters.

往往就在动荡中,恶人获得了对弱者的支配权。In times of instability, he said, bad people wield power over the weak.

最后,他们还考量候选人如何积极活跃地行使其权势。Last, they thought about how actively the candidates wield their power.

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这些弓箭兵装备盔甲,挥舞复合弓和战斧踏入战场奋勇厮杀。These bowmen are protected by armour and wield a composite bow and an axe.

作为和平主义者,蒂•瓦特•卡拒绝使用任何武器,哪怕自卫也不例外。As a pacifist, Tee Watt Kaa refuses to wield any weapon, even in self-defense.

我是一只来自异乡的蝶,最快乐的事唯有挥动我的两双翅膀。I was a butterfly, from foreign the happiest thing only wield two of my wings.

人们支配权力并受权力支配,其原因在于我们是互相联系的。You wield it and are subject to it. This is because we are all interconnected.

最后,对心理动机的顺应同样影响着社交指示。Finally, psychological motivations also wield a great influence on social deixis.

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美国企业为员工提供胡萝卜以保持健康,不久企业还会对员工挥棒舞剑。American firms are offering staff carrots to stay fit. Soon they will wield sticks

陪审员代替国家行使是否惩处公民的巨大权力。Jurors wield the awesome power of the state to punish, or not to punish, citizens.

他们骑乘神骏战马,一旦逼近敌军,便会用战叉挥出漫天血雨。Powerful cavalry who ride into battle on strong steeds and wield brutal war forks.