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你研究过人口学吗?Have you studied demography?

在波斯尼亚,人口政治学是高级政治。In Bosnia, demography is high politics.

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人口政治学正使得许多巴尔干半岛国家惊慌。Demography is causing alarm in many Balkan countries.

有些父母的盘旋不放手是受内心记忆和人口统计学的驱使。Some of the hovering is driven by memory and demography.

在科索沃和波斯尼亚,人口政治学是另一种意义上的战争。In Kosovo, as in Bosnia, demography is war by other means.

坐手扶电梯时,应站在靠哪边的地位?When demography the escalator, which side should you stand on?

中国在15-40年后,人口就不能满足战争所需。China lacks strength in 15-40 year demography the one needed for war.

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维也纳人口统计学研究所的托马斯·索博特卡表示,导致这种现象的原因有两个。There were two reasons, says Tomas Sobotka of the Vienna Institute of Demography.

不过这场超级星期二的大拉力赛带来的讯息却是人口决定命运。But the big horse-race message out of Super Tuesday is that demography is destiny.

正在试图勾勒全球经济复苏图景的经济学家们倾向于把注意力放在人口学上。Economists trying to map the global economic recovery tend to focus on demography.

东湖未来的使用者和过境人员的统计并不足够清晰。The demography of future Donghu users and Donghu area commuters is not sufficiently clear.

种群统计学主要涉及图解模型和转移矩阵模型。Plant population demography mainly touches on diagrammatic models and transition matrix models.

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奥地利科学院的维也纳人口统计学协会开展了此项研究。The study was conducted by the Vienna Institute of Demography of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

人口统计决定不了命运,投资银行的长期经济预测同样不能。Demography is not destiny. Nor for that matter are long-range economic forecasts from investment banks.

无论在政治、经济、地理、人口和文化方面,上述五国均各不相同。These five countries are very different in their politics, economics, geography, demography and culture.

一些人认为,那时的人口问题将进一步加剧日本其他问题,这些问题的英语单词均以D字母开头——债务、赤字以及通货紧缩。From then on, some believe, demography will seriously aggravate Japan's other D-words—debt, deficits and deflation.

目的了解重庆地区暴力性伤害案伤者的人口学分布、损伤特征及损伤程度。Objective To understand demography distribution, injury characteristics, degree of violence injury in Chongqing area.

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人口分布及其变化规律成为人口学和地理信息科学研究的前沿及热点问题之一。Population distribution and its change rule have become the focus and frontier of demography and geographic information science.

多数种类族群状况与生态资讯仍不明,未来应对本动物类群投入更多相关研究。Since the demography and ecological information of most taxa remain unknown, more study effort should be invested in the future.

照顾卧床的父母对于一对夫妇来说已经负担不起,就更别提让他们再养育一个小孩,那么人口问题将成为整个社会的灾难。When couples find they cannot afford to care for a bedbound parent, let alone a young child, demography becomes a social disaster.