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论大马士革的默示。The burden of Damascus.

吉姆。穆瑞大马士革报到。Jim Muir reports from Damascus.

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在大马士革游览甚至都不需要坐车。You don'teven need a car in Damascus.

有人拉他的手,领他进了大马色。So they led him by the hand into Damascus.

你无法想像年夜马士革是有多美丽。You can not imagine how beautiful Damascus.

视线正在向大马士革和阿勒波转移。Eyes are now turning on Damascus and Aleppo.

马巴胡赫在大马士革流亡多年。Al-Mabhouh has lived in exile in Damascus for years.

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撒玛利亚岂不像大马色吗?Is not Hamath like Arpad, and Samaria like Damascus?

因为这是你在大马士革的最后一天了可还有很多可看的。It is your last day in Damascus with plenty left to see.

人们牵著他的手,领他进了大马士革。But they leading him by the hands, brought him to Damascus.

你的鼻子彷佛朝大马色的黎巴嫩塔。Your nose is like a tower of Lebanon, overlooking Damascus.

他知道神在他回大马士革的路上和他说了什么。He knew what God had done with him on that road to Damascus.

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一年多来,土耳其一直在特拉维夫和大马士革之间进行斡旋。Turkey for more than a year has mediated between Tel Aviv and Damascus.

哈林表示,叙利亚冲突可能会越来越转向大马士革。He says the conflict in Syria will likely move increasingly to Damascus.

杜奎德说派遣一个驻大马士革的新大使的时机尚未成熟。Duguid says the time is not yet ripe to send a new ambassador to Damascus.

从大马士革艾美酒店上眺望大马士革夜景。Overhead view of Damascus skyline at night from Le Meridien Damascus Hotel.

这是今天来自大马士革郊区一个葬礼上悼念者的口号。That was the chant from the mourners at a funeral in a Damascus suburb today.

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年夜马士革最吸引我的是那些伊斯兰的清真寺和庄严明穆的陵墓。Damascus attracts me most are those of Islamic mosques and mausoleum solemnity.

对保罗而言,他永难忘记他昔日在大马色路上遇见耶稣基督的那一刻。He could never forget that day on the road to Damascus when he met Jesus Christ.

看哪,大马士革已被废弃,不再为城,必变作乱堆。Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.