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他还是微笑着,但他黑金色的眸子显得很认真。He was still smiling, but his ocher eyes were serious.

他还是微笑着,但他黑金色的眸子显得很认真。Up. He was still smiling, but his ocher eyes were serious.

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在洞穴内,工匠们打凿并碾碎这些软赭石。Inside the cave, the artisans chipped and crushed the soft ocher stones.

蓝鲸背脊呈浅蓝色,肚皮布满褶皱,带有赭石色黄斑。Blue Whale my back was light blue, belly full of folds, with ocher color macula.

出生在中国的黄土高原陕西,生长在美丽的长江边。I was born in Shanxi Ocher Plateau and grow up beside the beautiful Yangtse River.

又可以随心所欲的绘画了,这是在我尝试赭石时成功了的喜悦。Painting can be arbitrary again for me, and this is when I try ocher with joy of success.

拟青霉群落通常形成黄土色或淡紫色,而没有蓝色或绿色的斑点。Colonies are represented by ocher and lilac pigments and do not produce blue or green colors.

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婚礼之前,部落勇士和姑娘们用褐土混合羊脂制造的珠子饰物装扮得美轮美奂。Before weddings, warriors and beaded girls prepare by applying makeup of red ocher and sheep fat.

赭石和花青都是传统书画里逃不过的颜色,我曾喜欢,我曾抵制。Ocher and anthocyaninare the traditional painting, can not escape the color, I like it, I have resisted.

当赭石色被更便宜的合成色素取代,采石场遭受了很大的损失并最终于1958年关闭。When ocher was made obsolete by cheaper, synthetic pigments, the quarry suffered losses and finally closed in 1958.

他们收集了几百块赭石,其中包括两块刻有纵横交叉的三角形和水平横线的石头。They gathered hundreds of pieces of ocher stone, including two inscribed with crisscrossed triangles and horizontal lines.

光线映照在赭石色的混凝土之上,让严肃的教学空间显得温暖而坚定。The reflection of light on the ocher concrete creates an environment that transmits warmth and stability in an academic building.

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他们这些洞穴工匠用石头来碾碎和研磨各种色彩的含金砂到一种粉末。科学家们认为这种含金砂是一种富含氧化铁的赭石。These cave artisans had stones for pounding and grinding colorful dirt enriched with a kind of iron oxide to a powder, known as ocher.

布鲁克斯博士在这周指出,在发现10万年之久的作坊之前,科学家们已经在非洲其它地方发现了大量赭石。Dr. Brooks noted this week that large quantities of ocher had been found elsewhere in Africa even before the 100,000-year-old workshop.

布鲁克斯博士在这周指出,在发现10万年之久的作坊之前,科学家们已经在非洲其它地方发现了大量赭石。Dr. Brooks noted this week that large quantities of ocher had been found elsewhere in Africa even before the 100, 000-year-old workshop.

这些工匠们只是来洞穴工作,在附近收集他们的锤石和磨石以及从可能远至12英里处采集大块的赭石。They came only to work, collecting their hammer stones and grindstones nearby and the chunks of ocher from perhaps as far away as 12 miles.

充满活力的红色,白色和黄色---模仿的是天堂鸟的颜色,其被视为部落的祖先-再混以赭石和泥浆。The vibrant reds, whites, and yellows—meant to mimic the colors of the bird of paradise, revered as a tribal ancestor—are achieved with a mix of ocher and mud.

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还有人将酱釉称为“绛釉”“赫釉”“赭釉”“褐釉”等,这些颜色在古代文献中也有明确记载。Others will be the glaze sauce called "Crimson Glazed" "He enamel" "enamel ocher" "brown enamel", etc. , these colors in ancient literature also clearly documented.

对发现这些颜料的科学家们来说,这项发现有着特别重要的意义。这个赭石作坊表明了结构是现代人的早期人类也开始像我们一样思考。Of special importance to the scientists who made the discovery, the ocher workshop showed that early humans, whose anatomy was modern, had also begun thinking like us.

然而,当我看著赭红色的夕阳为尤比巨石上的古老骨骼图案增添色彩时,我心想这道理在地理学上也是说得通的。As I watch the ocher rays of a setting sun add meaty color to skeletal figures painted eons ago on a giant rock called Ubirr, it occurs to me that geography can work that way, too.