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凡士林是一种很有效的润滑剂。Vaseline is a very efficient lubricator.

阿连锁经营的润滑巢争夺。A nest vie of lubricator operating linkage.

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锅炉蒸汽管道输入流和润滑剂。Boiler with steam pipe to input manifold and lubricator.

大容量的工业润滑器-增加了气动发动机使用寿命。Large volume industrial lubricator – extends life of air motor.

林肯泵主要作用是密封注油头。The main function of Linclion pump is to seal off the lubricator.

从其诞生之日起,英语委婉语就肩负着社会润滑剂这项重任。From the day they came into bEing, English euphemisms play the role of social lubricator.

从其诞生之日起,英语婉转语就包袱着社会润滑剂这项重任。From the day they came into being, English euphemisms play the role of social lubricator.

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该装置操作简单方便,工作强度小,安全性能高。The features of the lubricator is easy operation, low working strength and high safe efficiency.

它是一种天然肠道肠道润滑剂,以缓解电力的过程中消除粪便。It is a natural gastro-intestine lubricator with a power to ease the process of stool elimination.

防喷管组合的上部包括一个高压的润滑脂注入部分和密封元件。The top of the lubricator assembly includes a high-pressure grease-injection section and sealing elements.

目的了解一次性注射器所用的硅油润滑剂对家兔肺组织造成的损伤。Objective To observe the lung injuries of rabbits by silicon oil lubricator used in the disposable syringes.

防喷管的高度恰好足以在钢丝绳阀与盘根盒之间装卸最长的工具串。The lubricator is just high enough to handle the longest string of tools between the wireline valve and the stuffing box.

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防喷管包括一个紧配合的橡胶或筒式防喷器,以防止流体散失并可用快速装卸由壬连接在一起。The lubricator contains a tight-fitting rubber or bag preventer that prevents fluid loss and is held together with quick union.

油零器是气动系统中提供中提供润滑作用的元件,具有设计新颖,调节方便等优点。Lubricator is an element which can provide good lubrication for pneumatic system, with novel structure and easy adjustment of oil drip.

本文主要阐述了中国电池整体锌筒的发展过程以及冷挤压机、模具、润滑剂等方面的现状和发展方向。The development of battery zinc can in China was described. Status and future development of extrusion press, die and lubricator were discussed.

防喷管安装在采油树的顶部,被试压,把工具放入到防喷管中,然后防喷管加压到与井眼压力一致。The lubricator is installed on top of the tree and tested, the tools placed in the lubricator and the lubricator pressurized to wellbore pressure.

结论一次性注射器所用硅油润滑剂,以微粒的形式经静脉进入机体,可对肺组织造成损伤。Conclusions Silicon oil lubricator used in the disposable syringes which can be brought into the body intravenously as corpuscles may be harmful to the lung.

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必须在运行中加注润滑油的部位,不得以加油器具碰触运行中的机构,可采用滴注方式。As for the parts need to be lubricated under running status, we many put into use the instillation method. It is forbidden to touch the running devices with the lubricator.

针对润滑油脂流失和传统油杯对高粘性润滑油脂的不适用性问题,设计了一种新型结构的自压式油脂润滑脂杯,为相关形式的润滑提供了方便。Owing to the problems of grease losing and the inelasticity for the high viscosity in the traditional oil lubricators, a new type of grease lubricator with self-pressure was designed.

本机为双辊筒开放式炼胶机,主要有机座、机架、辊筒、传动齿轮、润滑装置、加热冷却装置、辊距调节装置、安全制动装置及电动机、减速器等组成。This machine is double roller opening to be used for rubber mixing. It consists of seat, Frame, Rubber, Driving device, Lubricator and cooler, range adjusting device of roller. Safety brake.