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我同意。I concur.

提速,我同意。Accelerated movement, I concur.

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财政和知识界精英认同此调查。Financial and intellectual elites concur.

可能,但可能性不大,专家同意。Possible, but not likely, experts concur.

财富与幸福并非总是并存的。Wealth and happiness do not always concur.

两次全国范围的调研得出一致的结论。The findings of two national studies concur.

专家观察者们也非常认同充电式汽车逐渐进入人们的生活这一现象。Expert watchers of the plug-in phenomenon concur.

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其实妈咪很认同大部分苏荷的理念。Actually I do concur with much of Soho's philosophy.

我同意演说者斥责罪犯。I concur with the speaker in condemming every criminal.

如果只能二选一的话,我会同意。If it were a straight choice between the two, I would concur.

泰国的新任总理英拉-西那瓦可能也会表示同意。Yingluck Shinawatra, Thailand's new prime minister, might concur.

我确信莱因哈特将军和福尔塞提将军在这件事情上,认同我的看法。I'm sure General Reinhardt and Admiral Forsythe concur in this matter.

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二者并非单独发生,而往往是同时并行的。The double facets do not occur separately but rather, they always concur.

也许至少在最后一点,烟草最严苛的敌人会和这位参议员持相同意见。On the last point, at least, tobacco 's sternest foes might concur with the senator.

在某些地方事务上,右翼气候怀疑论者和左翼气候阴谋论者观点不谋而合。In some local matters, even right-wing climate sceptics and climate-conscious lefties concur.

你应该通过购买自己负担得起的人不同意除了曲马多。You should purchase affordable Tramadol without concur through anyone apart from by yourself.

尤其副署长需要知道她应该赞成或是反对管理与预算局的建议。Specifically, she needs to know if she should concur with the OMB recommendation or go against it.

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其实做一名普通的老师是最难的,这自身的修养和文化的修养是并存的。Actually do an average teacher is the hardest, the own culture and cultural accomplishment is concur.

点名时回答、引起注意、命令动物、训斥、告诫或同意时用。Used to respond to a roll call, attract attention, command an animal, or rebuke, admonish, or concur.

我知道你可能会说,“在美国我们从来就没有过纯粹的自由市场的资本主义制度。”I know, you're probably saying "we've never had pure, free-market capitalism in the United States" and I concur.