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一些例子。Some examples.

好,下面来做例题。OK. Let's do examples.

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您能举一些例子吗?Do you have some examples?

让我试举数例。Let me give some examples.

这样的例子还有很多很多。The examples go on and on.

想想一些例子吧Think about some examples.

你能给我们举例子吗?Can you give some examples ?

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要画脸的例子吗?Want face painting examples?

让我来叙述一些实例。Let me recite a few examples.

这只是一些例子。These are just some examples.

我们在这本书里有例子。We have examples in the book.

例子太多,举不胜举。Examples are too many to cite.

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这些例子的预言性有多大?How prophetic are these examples?

剪刀和钳子就是例子。Scissors and pliers are examples.

这些例子都举得不错哦。These are all very nice examples.

例子太多,举不胜举。Examples are too numerous to list.

机器特有的代码的例子Examples of machine-dependent code

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对于这种方法,斯金纳举了很多的例子。Skinner had many examples of this.

我们会多做点例题。We will do more examples in a bit.

怎么样把代码中的特性。Building up examples of algorithms.