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我的汽车修理师一看就开心地哈哈大笑起来。Whereupon my auto-repair man laughed heartily and said.

他看见我来了,于是就向另一个方向逃跑了。He saw me coming, whereupon he ran off in the other direction.

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翠平说领导也得听取群众意见。Whereupon Cuiping said, "Even the leaders have to listen to the opinions of the masses."

于是便开始了收索愿意为小男孩牺牲的人。Whereupon the search began for a person who would make such a sacrifice for a young man.

随后,耶肋米亚伸出右手,交给犹大一把金剑说。Whereupon Jeremias stretched forth his right hand, and gave to Judas a sword of gold, saying.

发育迟缓的兄弟大喊,"给他一枪",于是他的兄弟开枪射杀了这名警官The retarded brother shouted, "Let him have it," whereupon the brother shot and killed the police officer.

于是他放弃这一切,登上了那艘著名的小猎犬号探险船前往南太平洋。Whereupon he chucked the whole business and shipped to the South Seas on the famous exploring ship Beagle.

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"黎明号"预计在七月下旬到达这颗平均直径530千米的星体,在那里“黎明号”会进入灶神星的轨道来进行探测活动。The probe expects to reach the 530km-wide body in late July, whereupon it will go into orbit around the rock.

于是,女婆罗门要求马图尔安排一个学者研讨会,与她讨论这个问题。Whereupon the Brahmani asked Mathur to arrange a conference of scholars who should discuss the matter with her.

此后他们偷偷地溜了,并没有被人看见,过了三星期,我才弄明白为什么那时突然醒来。Whereupon they stole off unperceived, and it was three weeks before I knew the cause of my awaking so suddenly.

以色列神的荣耀本在基路伯上,现今从那里升到殿的门槛。And the glory of the God of Israel was gone up from the cherub, whereupon he was, to the threshold of the house.

你可以从开始菜单中启动驱动匹配器,因此你将由一些列的神奇页面呈现。You can launch Driver Verifier from the Start Menu, whereupon you'll be presented with a series of wizard pages.

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坐在华美的床上,前面摆设桌案,将我的香料膏油摆在其上。And satest upon a stately bed, and a table prepared before it, whereupon thou hast set mine incense and mine oil.

任何人都可以提交一个网站给网站分类的数据库的控制中心,然后其他人进行评分。Anyone can submit a site to the master database of categorized sites, whereupon other people vote on its placement.

随后我的汽车修理工开心地笑了并说,“为什么,你真蠢,他用他的声音来要求剪刀。”Whereupon my auto-repair man laughed heartily and said, "Why, you dumb fool, he used his voice and asked for them."

稍后,你的设备可能发生一个中断,因此你的中断服务程序将要在DIRQL上被调用。Later on, your device might generate an interrupt, whereupon your interrupt service routine will be called at DIRQL.

想到此,蟹用他钳子般的前蟹扼紧鹤的喉咙,不停地撕咬,直到鹤咽气为止。Whereupon the Crab fastened his pincer-like fore claws upon the Crane's throat and tore at it until the Crane perished.

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于是,他抛弃一切事务,搭乘著名的“背格尔号”探险船,奔赴南美洲海岸线。Whereupon he chucked the whole business and shipped to the South American coastline on the famous exploring ship Beagle.

所述可流动组合物可以注射入组织中,在那里其凝固变成固体或凝胶整体植入物。The flowable composition may be injected into tissue whereupon it coagulates to become the solid or gel, monolithic implant.

工业社会的基础经济资源是机器,于是动产法取代了土地法的核心地位。Industrial society's foundational economic resources are machines, whereupon chattel law takes the core position of land law.