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这台纺织机已清洗。The loom was blown off.

干草垛在英国的一片农田上隐约可见。Hay bales loom over a U. K. field.

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用你们的铁铲、锄把、铧犁。With plough and spade, and hoe and loom.

有梭织机是多种多样的,它可分为三类。The old woman was weaving tweed on her loom.

一个是卧室,另一个是织布室One is the bedroom and the other is the loom.

织布机上梭子来回飞动。The shuttle flies back and forth on the loom.

何时眼前突兀见此屋,吾庐独破受冻死亦足!When I could see these houses loom before my eyes.

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在该系统中,经纱被送入织机。In this system, the warp yarns are fed to the loom.

这项发明被命名为雅卡尔织布机。The invention came to be known as the Jacquard loom.

上诉和判决隐隐约约可能无法顺利执行。Appeals loom and the sentences may not be carried out.

我们朝崖面那好像朦盖着我们的那处进发。We got up to where the cliff face seemed to loom over us.

而现在,他力压俄罗斯,震怖美利坚。Now they have overtaken Russia and loom in the US's sights.

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本文以剑杆织机控制系统为研究对象。The control system of rapier loom is studied in this paper.

但更大的战斗,与德国陆军笼罩在地平线上。But bigger battles with the German Army loom on the horizon.

保持织机经纱张力的恒定是织机的一项关键技术。Keeping the steady warp tension of loom is a key for a loom.

自身不强大,问题便会强大。Strive to be strong-other wise your problems will loom larger.

这个村庄是由Khamu,苗族,老挝织机人居住。This village is populated by Khamu, Hmong and Lao Loom people.

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织布机的控制装置由硬打孔卡和吊钩组成。The loom is controlled by a system of stiff punch cards and hooks.

所以再一次强调记谱法的作用,它让作曲家的地位更加突出So again the process of notation allows the composer to loom larger.

在今年复活节举行的教师会议上,工资问题将显得很突出。The issue of pay will loom large at this Easters teacher conferences.