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尽量诚实但不要蓄意伤害。Be honest but not intentionally hurtful.

后来,我就有意识的让它来做这种事情。And afterwards, I intentionally used it as such.

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谨慎地/刻意地拿起或放下电话筒。Pick up the phone and put it down intentionally.

事实上,他曾刻意服用晶体甲基。He had in fact intentionally used crystal methylene.

他认为,有媒体故意炒作此事。He thinks, media acclaims this matter intentionally.

我有意地在开始的时候就把它往错做。I intentionally do-it-wrong from the very beginning.

故意磨损或颜色黯淡的牛仔裤会让他很苦恼。Intentionally frayed or distressed jeans distress him.

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最明智的选择就是着重于眼前。The wisest choice is to be intentionally shortsighted.

千万别认为我这是故意羞辱你Don't think I did that * intentionally just to diss you

如果你故意或无意地污损考卷。If you spoil your paper, intentionally or accidentally.

别以为是打印错误,我是专门写两遍的。No, that is not a typo. I intentionally wrote it twice.

Walgren表示有意给虚假陈述厘米。Walgren says CM was intentionally giving false statements.

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不要认为我那么做是故意让你难过的。Don't think I did that shit intentionally just to diss you.

有意无意地,似乎消费者们被误导了。Intentionally or not, it seems customers are being mislead.

它是一个有意含糊的概念,可能会造成误解。It is an intentionally vague concept that can be confusing.

不论是有意为之还是纯属巧合,西摩仿佛就是他的创造者的投影。Intentionally or not, he seems like a projection of his creator.

狩矢故意为难似地问了问。The Shou Shi is intentionally difficult the ground asked to ask.

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当别人故意伤害你时,你的正常反应是什么?What is your normal reaction when people hurt you intentionally?

大多数情况下,故意造成伤害是不对的。In most cases, intentionally inflicting harm is considered wrong.

你觉得他们会故意给你开一些很贵的药么?Do you think they intentionally prescribe you expensive medicines?