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此战之前,巴拉圭近9场胜利中,有7场均是以1球小胜。Before the game, 7 of Paraguay's last 9 wins had been by a 1-0 scoreline.

在七场比赛中,雷纳把持的大门保持了六场零封对手。The scoreline followed a run of six clean sheets in seven games for Reina.

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尽管本场颗粒无收,但是贝尼特斯从季前赛收到很多积极的消息。The boss took plenty of positives from the club's opening pre-season friendly despite the scoreline.

那都是历史了,不过我还是希望在星期六看见这样的比分重新出现,我很期待。That is history though. I would settle for the same scoreline on Saturday, though I can't quite see it.

这已经是蓝黑军团连续的第三个赛季以同样的比分未能取得开门红了。This is now the third season in a row that the Nerazzurri have begun their season with that exact scoreline.

5“越来越多的球队能根据比赛情况及比分改变他们的战术。”An increasing number of teams are now able to adapt their tactics according to the state of play and the scoreline.

双方的表现之一,在未来两年衣架为3-3比分在一娱乐开始第五天的发挥。Both sides clinched one of the next two racks for a 3-3 scoreline in an entertaining start to the fifth day's play.

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“比分太美妙了。但我觉得吧,我们上半时还是打得不好。”爵爷面对官网采访时说。"The scoreline was fantastic, but I didn't think we played that well in the first half, " admitted Sir Alex on MUTV.

吉拉迪诺之前从未在冠军联赛中有过进球,这场比赛他终于抓住了机会给比赛划上了一个完满的句号。Gilardino had never before scored in the Champions League, but netted in the final minutes to round off the scoreline.

曼联几乎又打开了缺口,但佩特鲁奇和基恩都没能将比分扩大。United almost exploited the extra space left at the back but neither Petrucci nor Keane could extend the 2-0 scoreline.

1999年,他以10-8打败约翰希金斯,而在下个赛事中以同样的比分输给马修斯蒂文斯。In 1999, he was defeated 10-8 by John Higgins and the following season he lost by the same scoreline to Matthew Stevens.

总的来说比分相当不错,因为我们是一支没怎么磨合的球队。大家合练也就几天时间。Overall it's a great scoreline from our point of view because it's a new team out there that was put together over a couple of days.

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我当时在看斯托克和朴茨茅斯的比赛,而热刺那边的及时比分一直在不断的闪现。真是不敢相信。I couldn't believe it as I watched the Stoke v Portsmouth game and the scoreline from the Spurs match kept flashing up on the screen.

0击败埃及,而意大利以同样令人震惊的比分输给了巴西,使美国奇迹般地从小组出线。A miracle advance out of the group stage occurred when the US beat Egypt 3-0 while Italy lost to Brazil by the same stunning scoreline.

马切达利用点球首开纪录,然后威尔贝克,波塞庞和李。马丁先后建功。Kiko Macheda opened the scoring from the spot, before Danny Welbeck, Rodrigo Possebon and Lee Martin gave the scoreline an emphatic edge.

前锋线的持续进球助利物浦保有继续冲击前四的机会,虽然热刺仍然少赛一场且手握四分。The scoreline keeps Liverpool well in the hunt for fourth spot, though Tottenham still have a game in hand on top of their four-point lead.

弗格森爵士本场比赛的目的是要看看他的球队怎么保持住积分榜优势并且提防富勒姆的反击。The key for Sir Alex Ferguson will be to see how his side respond to that emphatic scoreline and Fulham will be wary of a possible backlash.

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即使得分栏还是让人满意的,但我认为我们有时候临场判断力不够好,因为我们本该赢他个14或者15比零的。Even though the scoreline was convincing I think some of our decision making was poor at times because we should have won that game 14 or 15-0.

两年以前我们3比1落后5比3逆转卢顿,我想你一定希望这种戏剧性的进球表演少一点?Two years ago we came back from 3-1 down to win 5-3 against Luton. I suppose you will be hoping for a less dramatic scoreline this time around?

记者问到卡拉格是否来自意大利的比分能够帮助或者阻碍利物浦今晚的表现。Reporters quizzed Carra on whether information coming from the terraces about the scoreline in Italy will help or hinder Liverpool on the night.