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比莉住在南半球。Billie lives in the southern hemisphere.

比莉哈乐黛是我最喜欢的爵士歌手。Billie Holiday is my favorite jazz singer.

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但比莉·哈乐黛对此再熟悉不过。But Billie Holiday knew plenty about that world.

这群玩伴中不包括比利威金斯,我从来不联系他。Except Billie Wiggins, with whom I never associated.

比莉一直是我生活中的一个重要组成部分,直到她去世。Billie was a big part of my life until the day we buried her.

那是一九八四年中央电视台筹拍电视连续剧。It is Billie Piper in 1984 China Central Television TV series.

“比利吉恩”第一次来到上个世纪八十两创专辑“颤栗。”"Billie Jean" first came out on the nineteen eighty-two hit album "Thriller.

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正当众人在美丽的沙滩中烧烤玩乐的时候,比利独自去潜水。Just when everybody is in beautiful beach barbecue libertinism when, billie dives alone.

我是在观看过一出讲述蓝调歌手比莉哈乐黛生平的电影后,以她的名字命名的。I named her after seeing a theater production on the life of blues singer Billie Holiday.

当地政客经常聚集的地方是位于市镇北部71号公路上的比莉.施奈德牛排店。The local political hangout was Billie Schneider’s Steakhouse on Highway 71, north of town.

这里是比利假日唱通俗歌曲的三十年代十九,“比你知道的更多。”Here is Billie Holiday singing a popular song of the nineteen thirties, "More Than You Know."

这是被赫曼·伦纳德拍过的爵士名伶之一比莉好乐黛的声音。It's the voice of Billie Holiday, one of the many jazz legends photographed by Herman Leonard.

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人们走过外面的比利简金国家网球中心喷泉9月4日。People walk past the fountain outside the Billie Jean King National Tennis Center September 4.

世界团体网球联盟由传奇人物比利·简·金创立,至今已是第三十五年。The World Tennis Team League was founded by legendary Billie Jean King and is now in its 35th year.

1959年,44岁的比莉·哈乐黛离世,比同样英年早逝的莱斯特·扬晚了几个月。Billie Holiday died, months after the similarly premature death of Lester Young, in May 1959. She was 44.

主要山脉有阿尔卑斯山脉、比利牛斯山脉、汝拉山脉等。Main mountain chain having Montes Alps , pulling mountain chain Billie Niusi mountain chain , you and so on.

赫丽戴。比丽,藉以她那赋予歌曲情感的能力。成为一位成名的蓝调爵士乐歌唱家。Billie Holiday's reputation as a jazz-blued singer rests on her ability to give her emotional depth to her songs.

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迈克尔杰克逊的“比莉”打破了音乐电视网自设的肤色歧视。Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean" video is credited with breaking through the network's self-imposed color barrier.

比利。郝丽黛之所以能成为享有盛誉的爵士-布鲁斯歌手,在于她能够赋予她的歌曲以深厚的感情。Billie Holiday's reputation as a great jazz-blues singer rests on her ability to give emotional depth to her songs.

我的朋友派特和比利租了一辆车,然后我们去了一趟日益发展的纽约,去拜访了我们的一些朋友。My friends Pat and Billie rented a car and we took a road trip to Upstate New York to visit some other friends of ours.