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你温柔的心肠就会春光一派。And thy relenting heart would kindly warm.

对这个问题有任何松口的迹象。On this issue have any signs of relenting.

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她发现自己的心不由自主地软下来了。She found her heart relenting in spite of her.

“好吧,不过只能呆一会儿。”她最后终于答应了。Well, just for a little while then, ' she said, finally relenting.

他觉得她的情绪有些缓和了,因此已摆出一幅胜利者的姿态。He thought that she was relenting , and already assumed the airs of a victor.

晚上他回家时,火气已消,燃起一股对她炽热的爱。When he came home at night, his heart relenting and growing hot for love of her.

追求卓越的热情,驱使我们格外地努力,从不休息也不减速。Our passion for excellence drives us to run the extra mile, never stopping, never relenting.

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以前我总是很迁就别人,无论多长时间的交谈我都参与其中。I used to be very relenting in my communications. I would attend the person for however long it took.

善待别人最好的办法就宽容别人,虚伪的朋友比公开的敌人更可怕。Treating the best methods of others kindly and relenting others, the false friend is more terrible than the open enemy.

坚持不懈——面对逆境的忍受能力,不畏艰险,通过耐心而宽容努力实现目标。Persistent – The ability to endure in the face of adversity. It is a patient and relenting effort to achieve despite difficulties.

应加强含砷的烟气、废水和废渣的治理,是造福子孙万代的大事。So to speak, to strengthen the control of arsenic-bearing flue gas, waste Water and cinder is a great event relenting to bringing benefit to descendant.

有多名欧盟官员表示“是时候修改”这一禁令了,而英国则一直对中国的崛起存在戒心,对取消禁令仍不松口。A number of EU officials that "it is time to modify" the ban, while the UK there has been wary of the rise of China, is still not relenting on to lift the ban.

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乔治五世的二儿子不止一次向伊丽莎白求过婚,由于对皇室生活的重担感到恐惧,伊丽莎白曾几次断然拒绝,直到1923年终于答应价格他。George V's second son proposed more than once to Elizabeth, but she rebuffed his overtures, fearing the burdens of royal life, until finally relenting in 1923.

对那些担心污染问题来自中国人对汽车日益增长的兴趣的人来说,中国消费者调查的结果可能会令人失望。Findings of the Chinese study may disappoint those concerned about the pollution problem stemming from China's growing appetite for cars, which shows no signs of relenting.

因此,对于“第三部门”我们应当采取宽容的态度,在其内涵界定上不能采取西方过于严格的标准,需要进行本土化的探讨。So, we should take the relenting attitude to it. We can't adopt the overly strict standard in the west in its intension and need to carry on the discussion of the localization.

德国继续坚决反对欧洲央行提供无限制的贷款,除非信贷市场出现新一轮危机,否则德国是不会松口的。Germany remains adamant in its opposition to allowing the ECB to provide unlimited lending, and until there is some further crisis in credit markets, we don't see Berlin relenting.

因为,当弗洛伦斯向她这样恳求和向她作出了亲热的姿态与爱抚之后,她抱拢了两只胳膊,摇摇头,并在张得很大的黑眼睛中流露出了怜悯的神情。For, beig thus appealed to with some endearing gestures and caresses, she folded her small arms and shook her head, and conveyed a relenting expression into her very-wide-open black eyes.