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常识是瞎扯。Common sense is baloney.

一般来说,到现在这个钟点,他已经上床睡觉了。Baloney. He's usually in bed by now.

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关于这个问题我们就别胡扯了。Let us cut the baloney on this subject.

但是只要对伊斯兰教有了解和研究的人都知道这种看法是相当荒谬的。But those who study Islam know that's a bunch of baloney.

让我们先把诸如因为我想归还这样的胡扯的话放在一边。Let's put aside the baloney answers you'll hear--answers such as, "Because I want to give back." That's nice.

在网络上有如此多的医疗资讯纯粹是胡扯,除非你确实行医,否则很难辨认。There is so much pure medical baloney on the Web that unless you actually practice medicine, it's hard to recognize.

现在正是最好的自我提升时机,对很多人来说大学意味着一个新的开始。Now is a really great time to start this ‘self development’ baloney because university is a nice fresh start for many of us.

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那么,你是否愿意抛弃掉那些没用的,而专注于那唯一能引导你,使你走得更远,最终赢得生命这场竞赛的事物呢?Would you like to cut the baloney and get to the one thing that will enable you to go the distance and win the game of life?

神并不透过水晶球、占星术、读掌纹、通灵热线、预言家或者其他胡说八道的弄假者说话。And God does not speak through crystal balls, horoscopes , palm reading, psychic hot lines, Nostradamus, or other phony baloney.

常识是瞎扯。你真正需要的是不寻常,不寻常的经历,思想或者与不寻常人士的交流,常常会有不寻常的收获。Common sense is baloney. What you really need is uncommon sense, often the product of uncommon experiences, ideas, or interacting with uncommon intellect.

美国快餐业巨擘汉堡王总公司与其主要的特许经营者之间日前爆发了一场争执,原因是打出了“全球变暖是扯淡”口号的路边广告牌。A row between the fast food giant Burger King and one of its major franchise owners has erupted over roadside signs proclaiming "global warming is baloney".

他向所有客户发出了一封表示强烈抗议的邮件,信中说,为客户阐释这个世界是他的工作,在他看来,“不方便使用电子邮件”的借口简直扯淡。He sent out a cri de coeur to all clients, explaining that it was his job to interpret the world for them and he was ruling that the "limited access to email" excuse was baloney.

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不论如何,要区分真与假的模式、辨别现实与幻想,以及侦测胡说八道,科学是已知最好的工具。Nevertheless, the scientific method is the best tool ever devised to discriminate between true and false patterns, to distinguish between reality and fantasy, and to detect baloney.

巴尼布隆尼表示,一家他将表演的英国超市的老闆跟他说,他必须把气球留在家里,因为他们担心有些小孩子会对气球过敏。Barney Baloney said bosses at a supermarket in England where he is going to appear told him to leave his balloons at home. They are worried some kids will be allergic to the balloons.