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这终究是一场败仗。It is a losing game.

这已注定是一场败仗It was a losing battle.

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或失去精神力量。Or losing mental powers.

尓一定要热爱铥脸!You must enjoy losing face!

那将是招致失败的下策。That would be a losing game.

减掉大量体重?Losing a fair rate of weight?

失去我现在拥有的东西。Losing everything I have now.

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玛丽总是丢三拉四。Mary is forever losing things.

你总是丢橡皮擦。You are always losing erasers.

不要怕丢面子。Don't be afraid of losing face.

我把你的笔弄丢了,请原谅。Forgive me for losing your pen.

我认得这个红色的边,他钱包总是丢来丢去。He's always losing that wallet.

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涐唯一害怕的事情就是失去沵扪。I am only afraid of losing you.

他怎么老丢东西啊?Why is he always losing things?

我个头大岁数大,怎么会要输?I was bigger, older, yet losing?

我只是畏惧遗失你。Inom only fearful of losing you.

失去你是我终生的遗憾。Losing you is my eternal regret.

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我们也快听不到电话的拨号音了。We're losing the dial tone, too.

为什么你总是丢三落四的?Why are you always losing things?

别使你的鞋走样。Keep your shoes from losing shape.