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这是一个不变量的例子This is an example of an invariant.

这些条件是保形不变的。These conditions are conformally invariant.

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方法利用不变子空间方法。Methods Using the invariant subspace method.

方法和构造函数也可以有不变条件测试。Methods and constructors can also have invariant tests.

这是所谓的不变惯性问题,本文将予回答。The peper answers the so-called invariant inertia question.

纽结不变量是研究多面体链环的主要工具。Knot invariant is an important means to study polyhedral links.

因而V的不变子空间都是T的超不变子空间。Thus all the invariant subspaces of V are hyperinvariant for T.

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类不变式是应用到整个类的。A class invariant is a condition that applies to an entire class.

然而,能保证被画目标的坐标值的不变性是再好不过的。However, it is desirable for objects to be translationally invariant.

可以将不变的部分转移到一个单独的表中。The invariant parts could be moved into a separate table to save space.

精品如斯,是古缇对广大客户的不变承诺。Excellent product that is forever and invariant promise C&T makes to you.

该算法具有识别相似边准确和旋转不变性的特点。This algorithm can find alike edges accurately, is rotationally invariant.

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此优化将不变量子表达式从循环体中移除。This optimization removes invariant subexpressions from the body of a loop.

例如欧氏空间在旋转和平移下都不会改变。for example, Euclidean space is invariant under rotations and translations.

不变式是在属性的生命期内一直保持为真的规则。Invariant is the rules which always hold true in the attribute's life period.

例如,字段的默认不变条件要求字段不能为空。For example, the default invariant condition for a field requires the field to be non-null.

其中第二条在某种意义上是,一个与这种形状有关的不变量。And, so this number two is somehow an invariant that you can associate to this kind of shape.

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雪崩是“规模不变”的,这意味着所有有可能的大大小小的雪崩都会发生。The avalanches are "scale invariant", which means that avalanches of all possible sizes occur.

选择基于仿射不变量的RANSAC配准算法,作为粗配准算法。We select the RANSAC algorithm based on affine invariant as the coarse registration algorithm.

由于执行了所有这些非变量任务,所以您可将此映像保存到您的私有目录中。Because all of the invariant tasks are executed you can save this image in your private catalog.