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他们得到充足的时间来开棺验尸。He wanted to get enough time to exhume the body.

他们得到充足的时间来开棺验尸。That should give us more than enough time to exhume the body.

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光从水坟中撅出来,接受上天的礼物。Exhume the light from its watery grave to receive the gift of heaven.

我想未来的莱亚德或许会发掘出牛津大学殿堂的飞檐。I thought that some future Layard might exhume the cornices of the Oxford temples.

人们期待市行政人员能挖掘出不明遗体以进行鉴定。City officials are expected to seek an order to exhume the unknown body so it can be identified.

它并不能让人挖掘出几十年前的记忆、重新追索或取消人的成长。It does not allow someone to exhume memories that are decades old or to retrace or undo human development.

但两次谈判都失败了。到2008年,俄罗斯最终同意匈牙利到墓地掘出遗体。Twice the negotiations failed. But in 2008, Russia finally gave Hungary the approval to exhume the grave site.

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文森提是某组织的成员之一,他们要求法国当局允许他们挖出达•芬奇的遗体,以证明他的遗骸还在。Mr Vinceti is a member a group which is seeking permission to exhume da Vinci's remains from his tomb in France.

文森提是某组织的成员之一,他们要求法国当局答应他们挖出达·芬奇的遗体,以证实他的遗骸还在。Mr Vinceti is a member of a group which is seeking permission to exhume da Vinci's remains from his tomb in France.

下月,法医专家将对其中四处进行挖掘,寻找萨达姆政权灭绝种族的大屠杀的犯罪证据。Forensic teams will begin to exhume four of those graves next month in search of evidence for crimes against genocide.

古护城河空间位置的精确测定对该遗址保护、继续发掘和开发利用具有重要意义。It is of great significance to identify the location of the moat precisely to protect, exhume and utilize the site further.

梳理家书在书信发展史中独特的轨迹,对于发掘家书的审美价值有很大的助益。Arranging letter home's particular locus in letter's development, is furtherance to exhume the aesthetic value of letter home.

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早先,他曾驱逐过意大利社区,甚至要求社区成员挖出埋在利比亚的意大利人的尸体,一并带走。Early on, he expelled the Italian community, forcing its members to exhume the bodies of Italians from Libyan graveyards to take home.

文森特先生是获取许可在法国卢尔瓦河谷达芬奇墓中发掘遗骸的组员之一。Mr Vinceti is a member of a group which is seeking permission to exhume da Vinci's remains from his tomb at Amboise Castle in France's Loire Valley.

文森特先生是获取许可在法国卢尔瓦河谷达芬奇墓中发掘遗骸的组员之一。Mr Vinceti is a member of a group which is seeking permission to exhume da Vinci’s remains from his tomb at Amboise Castle in France’s Loire Valley.

卢旺达政府被指控强迫民众挖掘出在1994年的种族大屠杀中遇害的亲属的尸骨,并放在纪念馆进行展览。The Rwandan government has been accused of forcing people to exhume the bodies of relatives killed during the 1994 genocide for display at memorial sites.

美国一名女研究人员声称,她在印控克什米尔区一座穆斯林清真寺里发现了耶稣最后的安息地。An American researcher who believes she has found the final resting place of Jesus Christ is campaigning to exhume a body at a Muslim shrine in Kashmir for scientific tests.

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古往今来,有不少政治家和思想家都曾热衷于探讨这个问题,企图从中发掘出新的价值和意义,以便用来解决现实中的种种问题。Of all ages, in order to resolve variety of problems, many politicians and ideologists have been wild about this issue, attempting to exhume some new value and significance.

当吸血鬼的故事风传到某地时,居民们常常会将逝去的亲人开棺验尸,检查是否有传说中吸血鬼的特征。When suspicion of vampirism fled though an area, it was not uncommon for the towns people to exhume the corpses of their loved ones to check for the tell tale signs of a vampire in the grave.

看起来毕达哥拉斯的定理,似乎来自于欧几里德的三角形理论,从欧几里德几何学的发现中可以简单地推理出来。It seems that the proof of Pythagoras's theorem comes pretty much from just consulting the ideas of Euclidean triangle, the exhume of Euclidean geometry and simply doing inferences from those.