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我曾经非常内向。I used to be incredibly introverted.

我的性格是内向还是外向?Am I more introverted or extroverted?

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我既不内向也不外向。I'm neither introverted nor extroverted.

你是一个文静、内向的小男孩。You are a quiet, introverted little boy.

我不愿和性格内向的人一道工作。I do not like to work with the introverted persons.

这个腼腆、内向的小伙子名叫宋西全。The shy and introverted young man named Song Xiquan.

图中横线以下的反应,都是个人内在的反应。Responses below the line are introverted and internal.

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如果你天生内向,这可能要付出特别的努力。If you are introverted by nature, this might take special effort.

内向性格是一种正当合理的性格。The introverted nature is one kind of right reasonable disposition.

在INTJ模式下,第三功能是内向感觉。In the INTJ pattern, the tertiary process is for introverted Feeling.

在INFJ模式下,第三功能是内向思考。In the INFJ pattern, the tertiary process is for introverted Thinking.

向左倾斜的字体表明这人比较保守或者内向。Left slanting writing indicates a more reserved or introverted nature.

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这最终将导致对MBTI模型中旳内倾类型旳清理。This eventually will straighten up MBTI model as for introverted types.

内向的老板马上紧张起来,赶紧解释,却越描越黑。Introverted boss immediately tense up, quickly explained, but the more black.

这是因为我更像是一个内向的人,所以你可以选择不同的方式。I’m also more of an introverted person, so your mileage may vary on this one.

身体瘦弱,性格内向的男孩,应报考什么职高专业?“What kind of college is a good match for a frail, introverted guy like myself?"

我们俩其实本质上都算内向性格的人,不过艾伦相对来讲偏外向一点。We both are introverted people by nature, but Allen is the more extroverted one.

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有一天半夜,我碰巧听见寝室里一个平时很内向的女孩在轻声抽泣。I once heard one of my roommates who was an introverted girl sobbing at mid-night.

陶笛儿不由诧异,心说这样内向的人,怎么可能招惹她?Ocarina son not from surprised, heart says a so introverted person, how may provoke her?

宙斯以他的形象创造了魔羯座,而魔羯座的人们也像潘恩一样,严谨而内敛,对于幸福有着自己独特的理解。Therefore, Capricorn people are like Pan, who have a cautious and introverted character.