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我在现在马来西亚。I am in Malaysian Ipoh now.

早餐后前往参观怡保霹雳洞。After breakfast processed to Perak Tong Cave Temple at Ipoh.

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为了不被抓到,他们开车到怡保找了个旅店。Not wanting to get caught, they drove to Ipoh for a hotel room.

这是约30分钟车程,南,从国家资本金,怡保。It is about 30 minutes drive south from the state capital, Ipoh.

来自怡保的泽合白咖啡,独特的香味和口感而远近南驰名。Chek Hup Ipoh White Coffee is famous for it's unique aroma and taste.

邮政和电报部从太平到怡保于1928年。The Post and Telegraphs Department moved from Taiping to Ipoh in 1928.

怡保市有几座印度寺庙,我的几位老师是印度人。I think Ipoh have several Indian temple. Some of my teachers were Indians.

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怡保是马来西亚北部的一个城市,也是白咖啡的原产地。Ipoh is a city in northern Malaysia and is the place of origin of white coffee.

我和两位朋友从我们的住所开了三小时的车程到一格叫做怡宝的城市里,就是为了这一些食物,疯狂是把?My friend and I spent more than 3 hours from our place to another city name Ipoh just to have those food, crazy eh?

小食方面有槟城福建面、槟城炒粿条、槟城咖哩面、怡保客家面、巴生肉骨茶等,种类繁多。The delicious food such as, Penang Hokkien Mee, Penang Char Koey Teow, Penang Curry Mee, Ipoh Hakka Mee, Klang BakKutTeh, and so on, a lot of variety.

我本人很少到安邦去,觉得安邦的酿豆腐的味道也不怎么样,而且安邦里我住的地方也有段距离,所以最常去的就是怡保路的酿豆腐。Ipoh Road Yong Tao Foo?I hardly go Ampang coz it's actually quite a distance frm my place, have tried a few times and it's not that fantastic as mentioned.

昨天,美国汉堡巨头---麦当劳公司最终在马来西亚的法庭被吉隆坡怡保路的麦科里打败。Yesterday McDonald’s Corporation, the American hamburger giant, was defeated finally in a Malaysian court by the McCurry Restaurant, of Ipoh Road, Kuala Lumpur.

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报道没有指明拍摄的具体位置,但先前中国南方周末的一则报道说李安计划在马来西亚北部的城市怡保和槟城进行拍摄。The report did not identify the location of the shoot, but an earlier report by China's Nanfang Daily newspaper said Lee planned to shoot in the northern city of Ipoh and the northern state of Penang.