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外景镜头是在百慕大拍摄的。The exterior shots were taken in Bermuda.

还有海边的百慕大鳄鱼产业。Even the offshore stuff, caymans, bermuda.

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你能给我们讲讲百慕大三角么?Could you tell us about the Bermuda Triangle?

如果凑得到钱,我就去百慕达。I'm going to Bermuda if I can find the money.

这是另一个使用百慕大帆的单桅帆船的例子。Here’s another example of a sloop with a Bermuda rig.

达到加勒比再到巴西水域中的黑黄色石鲈。Black and gold grunt found from Bermuda to Caribbean to Brazil.

谜样的百慕大三角洲准备接受彻底大搜查。Bermuda enigmatic Delta is prepared to accept the complete Crook.

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我的书就像是地图,但是拜托,亲自去百慕大看看。My books are maps, but please, go to Bermuda and see for yourself.

君主蝶的毛虫现在开始出现在百慕大地区一类的地方。Monarch caterpillar has now been spotted in places such as Bermuda.

但是有关官员说,真正的问题并不在百慕大而在美国本身。But officials say the real problem may not be in Bermuda but in the US.

百慕大群岛已经发出热带风暴警告,飓风“贝莎”正靠近。Bermuda has issued a tropical storm watch as Hurricane Bertha approaches.

殖民者发现,百慕大群岛物产丰富,是个热情好客的地方。The colonists found Bermuda to be a hospitable place with sufficient food.

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百慕大很可能在今天晚些时候发出有关热带风暴弗罗伦斯的警告。Bermuda will likely issue a warning for Tropical Storm Florence later today.

首府为汉密尔顿,位于群岛中最大的岛屿,百慕达岛上。Hamilton , on Bermuda Island , the largest in the archipelago, is the capital.

仅在百慕大群岛上就有一万两千家国际公司设立了办事处。Some twelve thousand international corporations have a presence on Bermuda alone.

在“安魂曲”这集中,海伦。马格纳斯和威尔。齐默曼乘坐潜水艇寻访了百慕大魔鬼三角。In "Requiem, " Helen Magnus and Will Zimmerman visit the Bermuda Triangle in a submarine.

最后,一个名叫文森特加迪斯的人首次提出“百慕大三角”一词。Finally a man by the name of Vincent H. Gaddis came up with the phrase "Bermuda Triangle".

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在百慕大地区,失踪的飞机就象进入了天空中的一个洞里。In the Bermuda Triangle, it?s almost as if the lost planes had gone into a hole in the sky.

本季度的第二次飓风仍强度不减,且直逼海暮大群岛。The second hurricane of the season continues to pick up strength as it heads towards Bermuda.

我总是想知道第一和第二舰队发生了什么,消失在百慕大三角?I always wondered what happened to the 1st and 2nd fleet. Dissappeared in the Bermuda Triangle?