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我有心悸。I have a palpitation.

您感觉心悸有多长时间?。How long have you had palpitation?

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你的眼神充满美丽,带走我的心跳。Your look fills beautifully, carries off my palpitation.

临床表现为心悸和紫绀。The clinical manifestations were palpitation and cyanosis.

是否直接感受到了它酣眠的呼吸和心跳?Whether felt directly to its sound sleep breath and the palpitation?

每次见到你,我的心跳就会加速,难道这就是爱!Each time I see you, my palpitation can accelerate, is this the love!

此刻他的心跳有如万马奔腾。His palpitation now is surged as thousands of horses are surging forward.

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他老是神经过敏,自从心悸发生后更加厉害。He was always a 'nervous' person but more so since the onset of palpitation.

往往伴有头晕、头痛、健忘、怔忡等证。Often is accompanied by dizziness, the headache, forgetful, cards and so on palpitation.

中医之“望、闻、问、切”之辨证法起源于何时、何年、何月?When did TCM's "inspection, inquiry, listening and smelling and palpitation" exactly stem from?

特别是老年人,泡脚时间过长的话,会引发出汗、心慌等症状。Especially the elderly, their feet too long, it will only lead to sweating, palpitation and other symptoms.

你看,在任何一栋居所里,只要美德与自尊驻留,陌生人的到来便会让人心向往之。See, in any house where virtue and self-respect abide, the palpitation which the approach of a stranger causes.

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高血压患者,如果有头晕目眩、心悸耳鸣者,经常吃梨,可减轻症状。Patients with hypertension if there are dizziness blinking palpitation tinnitus often Chili reduce the symptoms.

为什么同志会在争执中得到更多益处,在糟糕的争吵之后又很难补救和更期盼心悸的感觉?Why would gays show more beneficence in arguments, do a worse job ofrepairing after bad fights and find palpitation satisfying?

为什么同志会在争执中得到更多益处,在糟糕的争吵之后又很难补救和更期盼心悸的感觉?Why would gays show more beneficence in arguments, do a worse job of repairing after bad fights and find palpitation satisfying?

仲景喜用桂枝治疗“心下悸”“心中痛”等,在临床中多用桂枝治疗心血管疾病。ZHANG Zhong-jing likes to treat heartache and palpitation with cassia twig, use it in the clinical treatment of cardiovascular disease.

目的探讨心悸患者的病因,研究心悸与心律失常及其与心血管疾病之间的关系。Objective To explore the reasons of palpitation and research the relationship between the palpitation and arrhythmia and heart diseases.

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用于“阴虚体弱,神疲乏力、心悸失眠、盗汗不止、劳嗍咳血”等正的治疗。It is used in treating"deficiency of body Yin, physically and mentally fatigued, palpitation and insomnia, consecutively sweated , sucking blood".

冠心病是中老年人常见病、多发病,祖国医学称之为“胸痹”、“心悸”等。The middle-aged and elderly coronary heart disease is common, frequently-occurring disease, Chinese medicine called "Chest", "palpitation" and so on.

最常见如出现潮红潮热、失眠、性功能降低、情绪波动、心悸胸闷等。Most common like has the blood flushes intermittent fever, losing sleep, the function to reduce, the mood fluctuation, the palpitation chest stuffily and so on.