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现在让我们谈谈医改。Health care reform.

但它要求真正的改革。But it takes real reform.

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因此,改革刻不容缓。So reform is urgently needed.

启动第三轮改革?。Start the third-round reform?

这就是医疗改革的内容。This is what reform is about.

此项改革势在必行。This reform must be enforced.

音乐可以感化兽心。Music can reform heart of beast.

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这项改革关系到我们的未来。The reform touches on our future.

所有的改革似乎都从家中开始。All reform seems to begin at home.

怎样改造状态成瘾者呢?How do you reform a status junkie?

公愤之后迎来了这场改革。After the outrage comes the reform.

另一份奏章是关于教会改革的。Another paper was on church reform.

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移民改革亦不例外。Immigration reform is no exception.

于是有了艺术改革的提议。It is proposing an art reform bill.

改革是中国的第二次革命。Reform is China's second revolution.

他们在1952年实行了土改。They carried out land reform in 1952.

张思之一直在推动司法改革。Zhang keeps pushing for legal reform.

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改革开放。普写新篇。Reform and opening-up pou, write them.

改革并没有完全半途而废。Reform has not completely petered out.

改革就是要搞活经济。Reform means invigorating the economy.