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虽然你是暴牙!Although you are tusk!

尽管你不能保祐。Although you cannot bless.

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虽然是一座古桥。Although it's an ancient bridge.

尽管动物实验具有争议性,So although it is controversial,

但是没有战胜门柱!Although he is over the goalpost.

今天虽然是走马观花。Although our tour today was brief.

虽然他如古曾有了本冉材家庭。Although he has his own family now.

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虽然这不全是南方人的错Although it wasn't all their fault.

虽然良药是苦口的。Although medicine is tastes bitter.

但我看上去像是个唱摇滚的。Although I kinda look like a rocker.

我们虽然失败了,但我们仍然很努力。Although we failed, we worked hared.

尽管下着雨,我们还是出去了。We went out although it was raining.

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尽管Kejia的脑部很小。Although the brain of Kejia is small.

但是融化了的痛,永远不会消失。Although the pain thawed, never gone.

虽然你行走于异域的城市。Although you walk in allopatric city.

尽管问题似乎都谈清楚了。Although everything seems to be clear.

虽然阳光正热烈地直射着我。Although the sun is warm to direct me.

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虽然我想要流淌满杯的爱。I want a cup thats with love although.

天地虽宽,这条路却难走。Although world wide, which will go hard.

虽然我们在一些事情上有分歧。although we disagreed on certain things.