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他们的鄙陋无知造成大错。Their superficiality and ignorance led to a great mistake.

类似的浅薄差不多可以在所有行业发现。The same superficiality is found in nearly all kinds of business.

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我们获得了得分的机会,但是我们为我们的肤浅付出了代价。We had the chance of scoring, but we also paid for some superficiality.

它的肤浅和平庸可能被解释为一个购物的批判。Its superficiality and banality could be interpreted as a critique of shopping.

我追随过不同的体系,浅尝辄止,我认识到它们的肤浅。I have followed different systems, slightly and I recognize their superficiality.

研究问题,忌带主观性、片面性和表面性。In studying a problem, we must shun subjectivity, one-sidedness and superficiality.

他们可能会认为这是大学生们虚荣和肤浅的反映。They'll probably take it to be a reflection of the students' vanity and superficiality.

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每当我在成功的人当中看到那些肤浅的东西我都会去帮助他们。I will take that any day over the superficiality that I often see in circles of success.

当今社会语言的浅薄和思想的匮乏在不同程度上对文化的交流形成了威胁。Nowadays the superficiality of language and the pinch of ideology pose a threat to the cultural exchange in various degrees.

反映在投资者身上则体现出其短视性,因为当时谈判价格他们是可以接受的。The reflection manifests its superficiality on the investor body, because at that time negotiated the price they were acceptable.

在人类社会飞速发展的今天,我们的环境和生活面临着更为浮躁和浅薄的危险。With the rapid development of our society, our circumstances and life are faced with more dangers of fickleness and superficiality.

市场多平面扩张而缺乏纵向构建,导致市场经济运作的一种不良状态------“市场浅化”。The market expanded horizontality but not verticality led a bad state to the moving of economy, which I name as market superficiality.

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冒失和肤浅是二十世纪的心疾,并在新闻界比其他任何领域都反映得更严重。Hastiness and superficiality are the psychic disease of the 20th century and more than anywhere else this disease is reflected in the press.

更糟的是盲目地追求时尚会使人沉迷成瘾使人的思想变得浅薄。What's worse To follow the fashion blindly will make one get addicted to faddism which will probably lead to superficiality of one's intellect and thinking.

同样,在工作中过于积极非但不能带来更好的工作表现及更高的效率,反而会导致自满和浅薄。Likewise, being too positive in the workplace, rather than resulting in greater well-being and greater productivity, can lead to complacency and superficiality.

男性对他们不忠诚的妻子感到恼火是因为他们对他们感情中性的部分感到不安,而这恰恰是他们内心脆弱的感情的表象。Men fret about unfaithful wives because they are obsessed by the sexual side of their relationships — a superficiality linked to their thin personal attachments.

他们在旧方式的交易中繁荣,陷于浅薄的事物中,那些他们视为交际的,专业和金融的成功。They thrived under the old ways of doing business and are stuck in the superficiality and triviality of what they deem social, professional and financial success.

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请所有呆在中国,但又不满于中国的外国人,好好想想,你们如此的行为,只能表现出你们内心的肤浅。Ask all to stay in China, but discontented with foreigners in China, thinks about it, your behavior like this, can only demonstrate the superficiality of your heart.

王东春是我们常说的“好孩子”类型的那种人,但按正常的牌理出牌评说他的作品,多少都会游离于他作品的表面而不得要领。However, if his works are commented according to normal rules, such a commentary would be more or less about the superficiality of his works rather than the essence.

在具体的教学态度,教学内容,教学材料和教学方法方面,反拨效应体现出其复杂的作用过程,以及其影响作用的表面性和局限性。In terms of the intended washback effects on attitudes, content, material and method, the results also reveal complexity, superficiality and limitation of its nature.