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那名逃兵已经逃走。The deserter has escaped.

他被作为叛逃者处决。He was executed as a deserter.

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所以说,你和我一样是一个逃兵?So , you are a deserter as me?

警方称,犯罪嫌疑人是一名逃兵。Police said the suspect is a deserter.

这逃兵死得挺勇敢。"The deserter died bravely, " Robb said.

“逃兵”退出或者停止做贡献。The Deserter drops out and stops contributing.

已经是逃兵了,加上犯罪。Already a deserter and now added this crime to his belt.

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在他困难的时候,他所有的朋友都背弃了他。All his friends have deserter him when he is in difficulties.

因为小丁在读过半年后就自动退学,当了逃兵。Because of the small dread half after the drop, when a deserter.

我们都别再做个逃兵,等待再一次爱情复兴。We leave are a military deserter again, waited for that again love revives.

他知道这还不十分像拉骆驼的,可是至少也不完全像个逃兵了。Maybe he still did not seem an authentic camel-driver, but at least he was less like a deserter.

在第二次世界大战期间,希德还做了逃兵,当时他是一名陆军士兵。Hinds also escaped a career in the armed services during World War II, when he became an army deserter.

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祖籍口外小兴州,明初逃兵荒到北歧河村居住。Extraoral origin of small-hing state, shortage of the early Ming Dynasty to the north superoxide deserter living Kawamura.

这些人心理上或者行动上已经离开了团队。“逃兵”退出或者停止做贡献。他们在工作中一点表现也没有。This individual either mentally or physically leaves the team. The Deserter drops out and stops contributing. This person stops performing at work.

一个曾经参与绑架里兹卡诺的反叛游击队的逃兵向政府透露了他们的位置,政府军于是展开了大面积搜索并切断了反叛组织的供给线。A deserter from the rebel unit that held Lizcano divulged his location to the government, and the military fanned out to cut off rebel supply lines.

经过多次争论和反复酌量之后,决定由格列科夫少将带两团哥萨克同那个中士一道去执行这一任务。After many disputes and confabulations, it was settled that Major-General Grekov, with two regiments of Cossacks, should go with the Polish deserter.

那个中士面带坚决的表情对这些话未作回答,跨上马,随着迅速集合起来的格列科夫的人马一同出发了。The deserter made no reply to these words, and with a resolute air mounted his horse and rode off with Grekov's men, who were hurriedly gathered together.

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而黯然去服役,当兵时又为了救一个新兵不被欺负,莫名其妙跟著那个新兵成了逃兵。But low-spirited serves, becomes a soldier when to rescue a recruit not to bully, was bewildered has been becoming the military deserter with that recruit.

当他再次被抓到时,他假装得了精神病,才躲过了逃亡者被杀掉的命运。最后在1944年他从医院被送到了拜尔森的一个劳工集中营。When he was recaptured , He avoided being shot as a deserter by feigning mental illness and he was finally sent from hospital to a labor camp on Belsen in 1944.

Demara于1921年生于麻省的劳伦斯,他是一个老奸巨猾的骗子,一个美国逃兵,可以在不同的身份之间穿梭自如。Born in Lawrence, Massachusetts, in 1921, Demara was a sophisticated con man, a U.S. army deserter with a spectacular ability to put on and discard identities at will.