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很多人摆脱了羞怯。Many outgrow their shyness.

你永远无法逾越这个伟大的艺术创作。You never outgrow a great work of art.

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再怎麽熟读也不过份,当然,也没有人可以忽略圣经。No one can ever outgrow or neglect the Scriptures.

没有人可以重新长出手指,骨头的使用也是从一而终。Nobody can outgrow a cutted finger, so are our bones.

他就是这么倔。我一直希望他年岁大了就改了。He's just so stubborn. I keep hoping he'll outgrow it.

你的孩子会长的比你的膝盖还高,但不会高于你的心脏?。A child outgrows your lap , but bever outgrow your heart.

一个孩子可以长过你的膝盖,但是永远不会长过你的心。A child outgrows your lap , but never outgrow your heart.

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梦游的孩子通常在长大后这个习惯自然消失。Children who walk in their sleep usually outgrow the habit.

许多儿童患者在十几岁时可自愈。Many children outgrow absence seizures in their teen years.

然而,很快现有的洞穴已经无法满足人口的增长。However, soon the population began to outgrow the available caves.

这是对成熟的误解,因你永远不能免于试探。This is a misunderstanding of maturity. You will never outgrow temptation.

但他还表示“姚小明”可能要比父亲还高。But he added that it was possible that Yao junior could outgrow the father.

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而且,这样的身高,我永远都不用担心有一天我会穿不下我心爱的格呢衬衫!It won't limit me. Besides, this way I'll never outgrow my favorite plaid short.

在我们的文化里,无论你年方几许,都能享受狗狗带来的乐趣,这种痴迷从未停止过。As a culture we never outgrow the joys of puppies. There is no break in our obsession.

此外,一些患有轻度哮喘病的儿童随着年龄增长,其症状逐渐消失。In addition, some children with milder forms of asthma outgrow their symptoms with age.

像独资企业,一个合伙企业的增长可能比它筹集营运资金的能力快。Like proprietorships , a partnership may outgrow its ability to finance its operations.

因为小孩一般都长得非常快,这样可以节省一大笔衣服开支。This can help reduce your clothing costs, particularly when your children outgrow clothing quickly.

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对于小孩,牛奶或者大豆比花生、鱼或者小虾更能引起过敏。Children are more likely to outgrow allergies to milk or soy than allergies to peanuts, fish or shrimp.

但是,这个过程的多个水平都是受到严密控制的,以此确保器官不会生长过快超过机体能够承受的范围。This process is tightly regulated, at several levels, to ensure that organs do not outgrow the body they are in.

考前在咖啡的刺激下来”临阵磨枪“是人们但愿希望能从此摆脱的一件活动。Knowledge retention Cramming for exams in a haze of No- Doz is the kind of activity one can only hope to outgrow.