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这些瓶子不可退还。These bottles are not returnable.

房东可以收取一笔可退还的押金。Landlords can charge a returnable deposit.

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因为废催化剂也可退回进行还贷?Since spent catalyst is also returnable for a credit.

那些婚纱都是不退还的。Bartering is not uncommon. The gowns are not returnable.

在非洲,大部分软饮料装在可退的玻璃瓶里卖。In Africa, most soft drinks are sold in returnable glass bottles.

可运垳标签不能包括核心标签,但可以包含其他可运垳标签。Returnable tags cannot contain core tags, but may contain other returnable tags.

介绍我国返回式卫星热控设计方案。This paper presents the thermal control subsystem of chinese returnable satellite.

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奥比斯公司是一家从事设计和制造可回收塑料包装。ORBIS Corporation is engaged in designing and manufacturing returnable plastic packaging.

除了内睡衣和饰品以外,所有商品皆可退货。退货规则请参考退换货须知。All products are returnable except underwear and accessories. Pls refer to return conditions.

如果可归还的原料药容器被重新使用,所有先前的标签应移去或磨灭。If returnable BPC containers are re-used, all previous labeling should be removed or defaced.

不当得利请求权只有在适当的不当得利理论基础下才能成立。The claim of improper and returnable benefit is grounded on the theoretical basis of the benefit.

我所提交的资料为美国太平洋大学所有并且是不退还的。I understand that all application materials become the property of the PSU and are not returnable.

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数量从非限制自有库存转储到在客户方的可退回包装库存上。The quantity is transferred from unrestricted-use stock to the returnable packaging stock at customer.

我越过酸奶--我自己在家用可回收玻璃瓶装的本地牛奶做玻璃瓶装酸奶.I pass the yogurt – I make my own in glass jars at home with local milk that comes in returnable glass jars.

可退的瓶子使价格保持在低水平,公司能抓住更多的所谓的节约的各式各样的顾客。Returnable bottles help keep prices down so the company can reach more of what it calls "economically diverse" customers.

板条箱和托盘是长寿命可返回的包装并且循环再生塑料为了同样的应用可以再生多次。Crates and pallets are long life returnable packaging and recycled plastic recyclable several times for the same application.

这时候朋友和我会去挨个儿找晒日光浴的游客们搜集空饮料瓶子换钱。My friends and I would them comb the beach for returnable bottles, going from blanket to blanket asking sunbathers for their empties.

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文章首先讨论返回式卫星的任务和特点,然后给出供配电系统的设计方法。This paper first discusses the mission and property of a returnable satellite, then presents the design method of electrical power system.

负责周转箱的及时清理,清洁,整理等工作,确保干净的周转箱在工厂内部及客户间被循环使用。Clean, clear, sorting the Returnable Package Materials, make sure cleaned returnable package materials are using between customers & plant.

试验结果表明本文提出的控制策略能够有效的控制电动助力转向,实现了助力控制和回正控制。The results showed that control strategy can make EPS work well and that Power assistant control mode and Returnable control mode were fulfilled.