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他恭敬地听老师讲课。He gave reverent attention to the teacher.

这时的阳子其态度是挺恭敬的。Then Yangzi's attitude is fairly reverent.

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另一些人,通常是女人们,却毕恭毕敬的,也挺烦人的。Others, usually the women, are annoyingly reverent.

每个人的脸上都露出既恭敬又畏惧的好奇神情。Every face expressed reverent and awe-stricken curiosity.

“你不愿意来吗?”他带着更虔诚的感情又重复了一遍。"Won't you come?" he said, beginning over and with a more reverent feeling.

因为心中有了深深的敬畏,我把烛台挪到了原来的位置。With deep and reverent awe I replaced the candelabrum in its former position.

可你依然强劲,并继续为我们祈祷,非常荣幸和虔诚的上帝。May you remain strong and continue praying for us, most honoured and reverent lord.

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但是这个更加正式的facebook的化身能够扩展成年人的交际圈吗?But does this more reverent incarnation of Facebook actually enrich adult relationships?

虔诚的印度教信徒期望通过练习瑜伽而摆脱生死轮回。Though the practice of yoga, the reverent Indian believer expect to get rid of the life and death samsara.

真正的恭敬心是根植在敬畏的、虔诚的感谢上,但却不失清楚的觉知、脚踏实地和智慧。Real devotion is rooted in an awed and reverent gratitude, but one that is lucid, grounded, and intelligent.

她开始奉献她自己和她绝大部分的遗产去使母亲节回到它最虔诚的根基上去。She set about dedicating herself and her sizable inheritance to returning Mother's Day to its reverent roots.

责无旁贷承担起新价值的道义——这对负重和恭顺的精神而言那是太过艰难了。To assume the right to new values -- that is the most formidable assumption for a load-bearing and reverent spirit.

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在修练无上瑜伽之后,每当进入三昧与人交往时,行者对所有的人都变得异常恭敬有礼。After practicing supreme yoga, the doer becomes very reverent to everyone in his association when he enters Samadhi.

而美国的左翼人士其中也包括漫画家泰德·拉尔,则对大多数美国媒体评论中的虔诚语气感到不安。Left- wingers , cartoonist Ted Rall among them, are troubled by the reverent tone of most American media commentary.

公司全体同仁正在用虔诚的心灵和真诚的服务,企盼您的选择和合作!The company all colleague with the reverent mind and the sincere service, longs for your choice and the cooperation!

去皮的原木建筑和长而杂乱的屋顶都遵循虔诚的南部山脉民族传统长屋的结构。The peeled log construction and long, gabled roof is reverent to the traditional longhouse structures of the Southern Salish peoples.

这种食人行为与面临饥饿时的绝望感没有关系,这是一种极为有序、庄重、甚至具有宗教意味的仪式。This was nothing to do with the scrabbling desperation of a starving people, but a highly ordered, solemn and even reverent religious ritual.

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过程中,你可以看见身穿暗紫色的禅衣礼生,陪引主祭正献官等虔敬行礼。Process, you can see wearing a dark purple Buddhist ceremonial clothing, are offered to accompany the officials, cited deacon reverent salute.

即使已经信主的知识分子也常常缺乏尊崇和挚爱的心,小看基督的十字架。Men of education are apt, even when converted, to look upon the simplicities of the cross of Christ with an eye too little reverent and loving.

新和合本又劝老年妇人,举止行动要恭敬,不说谗言,不给酒作奴仆,用善道教训人。NIV Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good.