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这个夏天,奥马哈公立学校那些教授混合班的老师将接受一次特别的培训。This summer, OPS teachers who take on multigrade classes will receive special training.

多级油一般可满足美国石油学会发动机润滑油MS、DG和DM使用条件类别的要求。Multigrade oils are usually made to meet the requirements of API Services MS, DG and DM.

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今年,该区有27个混合班,明年秋季,预计达到47个。This year, there are 27 multigrade classes in the district. In the fall, 47 are planned.

多等级的机动车齿轮润滑剂,它包括牵引系数小于0.021的基油。A multigrade automotive gear lubricant comprising a base oil having a traction coefficient less than 0.021.

研究和制备低粘度多级油应充分考虑挥发性和磨损。The volatility and valve train wear are the two difficulties encounted inthe formulation of low viscosity multigrade engine oil.

运用多层次模糊综合评判理论,构造了轮式起重机总体性能的二级模糊综合评判模型。A two stage mathematical model for judging the total performances of wheeled crane is established by the use of multigrade fuzzy theory.

多级四代机油具有良好的低温起动性能以及节能性能,使用该油品可以缩短打温时间、节约能源、减少柴油机磨损等。Use of the fourth generation multigrade oil for diesel engine can cut down the warming up hours, save energy, reduce engine wear, and so on.

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提出利用多级模糊综合评价法进行电网调度员培训评估的模型和方法。An approach using multigrade fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to evaluate power system dispatcher training, and its model are put forward.

在发动机工况正常的情况下,选用粘度适宜、质量符合要求的多级发动机油,完全可以满足发动机的正常润滑。Selecting multigrade engine oil of proper viscosity and quality grade can meet the lubrication requirements of engines under normal conditions.

根据社会需求,我国面粉加工由生产标准粉逐步转向生产特制粉。As the demand for specialty flours is constantly increasing, flour mills turn to produce multigrade flours instead of milling standard grade flour.

根据油品高低温性能的变化规律,提出了多级内燃机油合理的、经济的调制方法。On the basis of change of testing oil performance at high and low temper-ature. the rational and economical formulated method of multigrade engine oils was given.

今年秋天入学时期,那些被分到混合班的奥马哈公立学校的学生家长将收到一封解释信,同时也鼓励家长如有任何问题,可以和任课教师联系咨询。Parents of OPS students assigned to a multigrade class for this fall will receive a letter of explanation and are encouraged to contact the child's teacher if they have questions.

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本文讨论了目前计算机主要采用的技术方法,如多级存储体系技术、中断技术、总线控制技术以及指令重迭和流水线控制技术。Discussed some mainly applied methods such as multigrade memory technology, suspend technology, bus line control technology, instruction overlapping technology and waterline control technology.

对奥马哈的公立学校来说,今年也是它们第一次开这么多的混合班,因此,有官员表示,到目前为止还没有足够的数据表明这样的教学模式对学生学习有影响。This is the first time in recent years that OPS has had numerous multigrade classrooms. Thus, officials say, there isn't enough data yet to judge whether the practice affects student performance.