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对金属板、管材的防腐施工要求先进行除锈、清洗处理后再进行涂料施工。The construction of the metal and pipe should ablate the rust first.

自动检测卷纸头部,自动切除剔废。Automatically check rolled paper head, automatically ablate the untidy and eliminate waste.

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结果表明,该叶片掉块性质为烧蚀掉块,烧蚀掉块的原因是叶片排气边局部出现瞬时高温。High temperature of the local exhaust edge of the vane led the vane to ablate and fracture.

仔细分析旁路逆传激动顺序可以精确定位,成功消蚀。Analysis of the retrograde sequence of AP activation may localize and ablate the APs successfully.

PDT最近已经用于临床前期动物模型的脊柱转移瘤清除。PDT has recently been adapted to ablate metastatic tumors in the spine in preclinical animal models.

使用分束片获得的双脉冲作为最简单的整形脉冲,首先被用来烧蚀样品。As the simplest shaping pulse double pulse produced by a beam splitter is first used to ablate the sample.

结论HIFU能有效形成消融灶,且对周围组织无损伤。HIFU can ablate human adenomyosis in vitro effectively and do not hurt the tissues around of the ablation.

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分析了含沙水体对抽水泵叶轮磨蚀的原理及危害。This Paper analyzed the principle of sandiness water ablate box-shrouded impeller and its serious affects.

雷射会使废弃物表面部份脱落,产生的些许推力可以使该废弃物偏离原来的轨道。The laser would ablate part of the junk's surface, creating a bit of thrust to move the piece out of the way.

激光打标是利用激光的热效应烧蚀掉物体表面材料从而留下永久标记的技术。Laser marking is a kind of technique using heat effect of laser to ablate meterials on object surface so as to leave over permanent press.

总结应用改进的标测方法和新技术治疗儿童特发性室性心动过速的经验。To sum up the experience on using improved mapping method and new technique to ablate IVT in children, 10children IVT were enrolled in this study.

静脉泵注丙泊酚,比较三组之间大鼠眼睑反射消失时丙泊酚的用量及所需的时间。After intravenous infusion of propofol, the dosage of propofol required to ablate the eyelid reflex were recorded and compared between three groups.

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方法采用经鼻内窥镜下经犬齿窝和中鼻道联合进路的方法切除上颌窦占位病变。Method Adopting choanal atresia to ablate 51 cases with maxillary sinus well ordered anticipate pathological changes by canine nest and mid nasal road.

在我国文化生态环境发生急剧变化的背景中,平遥文化生态保护的经验具有地方传统文化积极消融现代文明的战略意义。The protection on the cultural ecology of Ping Yao is a kind of strategy for local knowledge how to ablate the modern civilization in the global background.

方法将成年雌性大鼠腹部手术切除双侧卵巢后,给予不同剂量的大豆异黄酮,喂养4个月后,分离血清进行分析指标测定。Methods The rats were operated to ablate double ovaries and given different dosage isoflavone. After 4 months later, blood serum was separated to determine analytical targets.

由RITA医药系统公司制造的RITA系统,可通过射频的能量去加热组织,其温度之高足以融化肿瘤,甚至使肿瘤细胞死亡。The RITA System, a procedure developed by RITA Medical Systems Inc. , uses radiofrequency energy to heat tissue to a high enough temperature to ablate it, or cause cell death.

这种方法是通过一光学变换传输系统使激光束能绕一定的半径旋转,旋转的激光束去扫描消融超导靶材来淀积大面积超导薄膜。Using a optical transmission system to make the laser beam to scan on the superconducting target with different radii rotation and to ablate it for depositing large area superconducting films.

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本文采用毫秒脉冲激光作用气相和液相中固体靶材来制备不同成分和不同结构的纳米材料,研究毫秒脉冲激光形成纳米材料的机理及其优势。In this thesis, millisecond pulsed laser was used to ablate solid target in gas or liquid to prepare various nanomaterials, meanwhile, the mechanisms of nanostructure formation were also studied.