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这些在如今经济衰退时听起来都相当诱人。That all sounds especially alluring in a recession.

关于“废墟”,什么会使你你觉得很有诱惑力?What is it about “ruins” that you find so alluring?

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我的梦要比现实生活更加美好。My dream world is far more alluring than my real world.

对于核能支持者来说,快堆很有诱惑力。To supporters of nuclear power, fast-breeding is alluring.

莉莎特的鲜红的大嘴露出了一副极为诱人的微笑。Lisette 's large red mouth broke into a most alluring smile.

这种增长潜力是诱人的,但中国市场还处于早期发展阶段。That growth is alluring. But China's market is in the early stages.

这些在细沙形成的热带沙滩让我们觉得很迷人。This soft sand forms the tropical beaches that we find so alluring.

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此外,有什么办法比穿上迷人的服装更能勾引男人呢?Besides, whats better way to entrap a man than to wear an alluring dress?

谁又能对这些闪闪发光的金银财宝视而不见呢?Whose eyes are not stopped by the alluring refractions of a precious bobble?

艾洛丝非常迷人,看她在月光下跳舞仿佛是在阅读一首诗。Eloisc is vcry alluring. Watching her dance under the moonlight is pure poetry.

诱人的妳彷如神秘美艳的花豹,巡行于夜幕下的非洲草原上。The alluring you is just like a mysterious panther walking in the night Africa.

但是想要留下良好的第一印象,大口嚼着烤肋排可一点都不吸引人。But when it comes to first impressions, gnawing on BBQ ribs is far from alluring.

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这是一个虚拟而诱惑的自由王国,在其中我们几乎无所不能。This is a fictitious and alluring realm of freedom, amid we are almost omnipotent.

是一款有着淡淡的青草味和醋粟味及辛辣气息的美酒。A fine hint of herbs and spices accompanies alluring fruit-aromas of ripe gooseberry.

怎么会有人冒然告诉所有女性什么时候她们最具魅力呢?How can anyone presume to tell an entire gender when they will be at their most alluring?

暮春的油菜花一片放肆,粉蝶轰轰其上。In late spring, the flowers of rape are blossoming wildly, alluring swarms of butterflies.

她不愿采用华丽诱人的庞巴杜式发型,不戴项链、手镯或鸡心。She forewent the pomp of the alluring pompadour. She wore no chains, bracelets or lockets.

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从富人红瓶的香味诱人,你知道有一些特别的事情。From the rich red bottle to the alluring scent, you know there's something special going on.

月球的大部分地区都没有被探测过——但最诱人的就是月球南极。Vast stretches of the moon remain unexplored — but the most alluring is the lunar South Pole.

当我们奔波红尘时,难免有糖衣炮弹,诱惑的陷阱。When we travel the world of mortals, unavoidably have sugar-coated cannonball, alluring trap.