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柳丁含有维生素C。Oranges contain vitamin C.

莓果中含有维他命C。berries contain vitamin C.

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柳丁含有丰富的维生素C。Oranges are rich in vitamin C.

维生素C真的有用吗?Does the vitamin C really help?

鸭蛋含有维生素吗?。Does duck's egg contain a vitamin?

坏血病是缺乏什么维生素?。Scorbutic be what to vitamin lack?

感冒时,维他命C有帮助。Vitamin C hilft bei der Erkältung.

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这影响了维他命D和蛋白质。This affects vitamin D and protein.

我们需要阳光来制造维他命D。We need sunlight to make vitamin D.

他们应该摄入多少维生素AHow much Vitamin A should they have?

它里面含维生素A和维生素C。It contains vitamin A and vitamin C.

维他命B6又叫吡哆辛。Vitamin B6 is also called pyridoxine.

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哪种维生素最能美颜减肥?What vitamin lose weight best beauty?

法国熏衣草,芦荟,维它命。French Lavender, Aloe Vera, Vitamin E.

什么是维生素B100的好处?。What Are the Benefits of Vitamin B100?

白萝卜中富含微生物C和叶酸。Daikon is high in vitamin C and folate.

维生素C受热过度就会被破坏。Vitamin C is destroyed when overheated.

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那么维生素能缩短感冒的时间吗?Can the vitamin cut the length of colds?

预料一下黄色甜椒中的维生素C含量。Think yellow bell peppers for vitamin C.

胭脂红中含有丰富的钙和维生素E。Carmine is rich in calcium and vitamin E.