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腹板肌包括两个肌群。Sternal muscles include two muscle groups.

胸骨骨折在澳式足球。Sternal fracture in an Australian Rules footballer.

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本人的胸骨部分为什么老是响?Why does oneself sternal section often make a sound?

胸壁肿瘤以良性居多,但胸骨肿瘤以恶性为主。Most of chest wall tumors is benign except sternal tumors.

胸骨虞廔管是心脏手术之后罕见的合并症。Sternal fistulae are a seldom event after cardiac surgery.

左胸骨畸形要吃什么药治疗啊?What medicine should left sternal deformation eat to treat?

目的总结分析胸骨骨折的外科处理方法。Objective To summarize experiences of surgical treatment of sternal fracture.

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然后,以胸大肌辫重建胸骨伤口。Then, the sternal wound was reconstructed with pectoralis major muscle flaps.

在追踪期间并无胸骨骨髓炎的复发。There was no recurrence of sternal osteomyelitis during the follow-up periods.

证实切除术和胸大肌辫重建是治疗胸骨廔管的良策。Resection and reconstruction with flaps proved a good method to treat sternal fistulae.

目的总结胸骨骨折的诊断与治疗经验。Objective To sum up the experiences in the diagnosis and the treatment of sternal fracture.

胸骨骨折和肋骨骨折在加压下会有疼痛。Sternal pressure may be painful if the sternum is fractured or costochondral separations exist.

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结论改良胸骨上举术治疗漏斗胸畸形是安全有效的治疗方法。Conclusion The modified sternal elevation for pectus excavatum is safe, effective and reliable method.

了解胸骨裂开的早期表现、诊断及治疗的要点。Objective To study the causes, early symptoms and the keys of diagnosis and treatment of sternal rupture.

我们希望利用这些方法来改善棘手的胸骨伤口感染而达到治疗效果。We want to take advantages of these methods to improve the results of intractable sternal wound infection.

胸内骨是由各胸节背、侧、腹部的内陷构成。Endothorax is composed of invaginations of the tergal, pleural and sternal regions of each thoracic segment.

1996年6月在北京阜外医院首先开展胸骨正中切口非体外循环冠状动脉旁路移植术。In June 1996, Fu Wai Hospital in Beijing firstly carried the operation in the middle of the sternal incision.

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颈动脉或无名动脉起始部损伤以胸骨正中径路显露佳。The median sternal incision was a better approach for the proximal injury of carotid and innominate arteries.

目的回顾性延迟关胸在小儿心外科应用的经验。OBJECTIVE To review retrospectively the experience of delayed sternal closure following pediatric cardiac operation.

结果显示漏斗胸患儿的左心结构及收缩功能有不同程度的损害,并随年龄增大而加重,?。The damage of left ventricle of patients with pectus excavatum and their degrees of sternal deformity are not correlative.