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这在物理里是确定的。That is nonnegotiable in physics.

“主权问题是不能谈判的”。The question of sovereignty of is nonnegotiable or not negotiable.

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一个人的责任去为他的国家服务是不可商榷的。A person's duty to serve the best interest of his nation is nonnegotiable.

所以对我来说,要在这里抚养着两个小孩,学习语言是丝毫不能含糊的。So for me, raising two children here, learning the language was nonnegotiable.

我是你妈妈,我要你立刻停止,这没什么可谈的。I am your mother, and I am telling you to stop this instant. It is nonnegotiable.

保卫盟友以及公海和公空的自由是美国永久以及不可转让的国家利益。Defending allies, andfreedom of the seas and skies, is a permanent, nonnegotiable U.

一份不可转让的或副本的原油已装船清洁提单。One copy of nonnegotiable or duplicate copy of clean on board bill of lading for crude oil.

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帮孩子理解有些要求是不可以协商的,但是这样事还是有趣的。Help your child understand that some requests are nonnegotiable , but the tasks can still be fun.

这五件事,是孙子诸说的根本,也是所有的“生活十字军”无须否认及辩驳的特征,因此将会成为我们这里的重点。They are the undeniable and nonnegotiable characteristics of any life crusade. Thus, they will be our focus here.

“麦凯恩认为这个决定完全彻底的是他来全部的控制”一名竞选的官员说。"McCain views this as the one decision that he has total, utter, nonnegotiable control over, " one campaign official said.

但翻页的时候依然存在诡异的黑白闪烁过程——这是电子墨水无法避免的特性。But the page turn moment still features a bizarre, black-white-black flashing sequence — a nonnegotiable characteristic of E Ink.

票据是一种流通证券,背书转让是我国票据流通的基本方式,禁止背书就是对票据流通性的限制或禁止。The provisions of nonnegotiable endorsement in Negotiable Instruments Law have an great effect on the negotiation of instruments.

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在分析现有解决股权分置主要方法的基础上,提出了一种新的投入成本法。This article gives a solution to calculate the value of nonnegotiable shares according to the cost-devoted and the price of negotiable shares.

我说,这些前提条件是不容商讨的,也是我能提供的最佳方案,我希望双方在此条件之内磋商并达成一个最终决议。I said these parameters were nonnegotiable and were the best I could do, and I wanted the parties to negotiate a final status agreement within them.

类似的要求在每年的八平方纪念日都有人提起,党认为这个问题不可谈判。These are the kind of demands that are made every year on the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989 and which the party considers nonnegotiable.

分析非流通股与流通股的产权差异与利益分配格局差异,是正确理解股权分置本质的前提。From the angle of property rights to analyze the difference between current shares and nonnegotiable shares, we can comprehend the essence of shares separation.

约定的背书禁止和法定的背书禁止是背书禁止的两种形式,两者对票据的流通性均产生一定的限制。Contractual nonnegotiable endorsement and legal nonnegotiable endorsement are tow forms of forbidding endorsement Both of them limit the negotiation of instruments.

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政府拒绝公开道路拓宽计划,也没有解释这些不容谈判的理赔条件是如何提出来的,就更加增加了他的猜测。His suspicions have been heightened by the government’s refusal to reveal plans for the expanded road or explain how it came up with its nonnegotiable compensation terms.

对中国上市公司的股权结构分析表明,集中在少数股东手中的非流通股为其股权结构的主要特征。This paper analysis the ownership structure of Chinese Listing Companies, the main character of ownership structure is nonnegotiable Shares that hold by minority shareholders.

这五件事,是孙子诸说的根本,也是所有的“生活十字军”无须否认及辩驳的特征,因此将会成为我们这里的重点。These five constants are the foundation of everything Sun Tzu instructs. They are the undeniable and nonnegotiable characteristics of any life crusade. Thus, they will be our focus here.