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是一神教的宗教我们第一次父母?Was monotheism the religion of our first parents?

一神论有何创新性?What is so new and revolutionary about monotheism?

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犹太民族是因一神教而诞生的民族。Judaism came into being in accordance with monotheism.

在另一方面,基督教一神论,是一种创新。On the other hand, Christian monotheism was an innovation.

我们最近在了解“一神教”的历史。We are acquiring an understanding of the history of monotheism.

然而,今天人对一神论的厌恶不再只是嘲笑那样简单了。But today, that repugnance to monotheism is not a laughing matter.

而一神论则被认为是最好最纯净的宗教形式。But monotheism was judged to be the best and purest form of religion.

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神灵开始人形化,于是一神教就在这个时候出现了。Gods start to take on a human form, so monotheism appears around this time.

第三,基督教来源于犹太教,是世界上流行最广泛的一神教。Thirdly, Christianity rooted Judaism, and it is the most popular monotheism in the world.

苏格拉底的神是多神教向一神教转变的中介。The God of Socrates was the intermediary of the transformation from polytheism to monotheism.

这样,太阳神阿托恩成为埃及国内惟一得到认可并信奉的神灵。By this ACT, Aton became in prACTice sole recognized god, and his worship a form of monotheism.

这里有明显的一神论倾向,在Kaufman言辞抽象的表述中。There's a clear tendency in this story towards monotheism in the abstract terms that Kaufman described.

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它的对比与一神教,信仰在一个神,和泛神论,确定上帝的宇宙。It contrasts with Monotheism , belief in one god, and Pantheism, identification of God with the universe.

这一对立是基督教徒、犹太教徒以及伊斯兰教徒内部从古至今的争论的一部分。This opposition is implicit within Jewish, Christian, and Islamic monotheism from antiquity to the present.

相对于东方多神论的信仰,他对于西方宗教中的唯一真神感到惊讶。He was first struck by their monotheism , which sharply contrasts the plurality of gods in many Eastern religions.

我认为探索一神教的来源令人着迷,这也是这部剧中我最喜欢的主题之一。I think the exploration of the origins of monotheism is fascinating and it's one of my favorite themes in the show.

道德一神论超越了亚伯拉罕,超越了十诫,直到神决定要亲自造访。Ethical monotheism went beyond abraham beyond the ten commandments until god himself decided he would visit this earth.

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作为人,是因果关系的必然,而作为犹太人,是一神论的特权产物。As a man you claim, so to speak, a dispensation from causality otherwise accepted, as a Jew the privilege of monotheism.

他认为一神论和多神论是截然不同的,不可能是一个由另一个进化而来。He argued that monotheism and polytheism are so radically distinct that one could not possibly have evolved from the other.

他认为一神论和多神论是截然不同的,不可能是一个由另一个进化而来。He argued that monotheism and polytheism are so radically distinct that one could not possibly have evolved from the other.