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纯种的边境牧羊犬。Pure-bred Border Collie.

她甚至咬家里的牧羊犬。Even the family's collie was bitten.

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“爸爸,”我说,“我不想要一只老牧羊犬。"Papa, " I said, "I don't want an old collie dog.

小狗穿过场院跑过来围着卡车嗅来嗅去。The collie came across the yard, sniffing around the truck.

年轻的失明的宠物狗为先天性失明的柯利牧羊犬。The younger blind dog was a collie with congenital blindness.

我牵出狮子狗的时候,长毛牧羊犬跳起来狠狠地抓门。When I took the Shih-Tzu out, the Collie jumped and scratched at the door.

我主要是想购买1只三色的母苏牧,最好小三色的父母都是ch冠军犬!I wanna a 3-color female collie babe which its parents are all CH Champions.

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以上几种都带有不定量的典型的柯利犬白色斑纹。All should carry typical white Collie markings to a greater or lesser degree.

还有一些,如牧羊犬和威尔士科基犬,可以放牧农场或各种动物。Still others, such as the collie and the Welsh corgi, can herd farm or range animals.

“好吧,比利,”他说,“我听说‘老头帽’农场的牧羊犬要生小崽了。"Well, Billy, " he said, "I heard that Old Man Hatfield's collie is going to have pups.

一只卷毛狗和一只牧羊犬在一起散步,突然卷毛狗向它的朋友诉起苦来。A poodle and a collie are walking together when the poodle suddenly unloads on his friend.

可以联系我看宝贝的视频,如果有飞机,空运当天就到,接机时请带瓶纯净水给狗狗喝。If you are not in Shanghai, you may contact us to watch the video of border collie babies.

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合身、且质地正确的被毛,对粗毛苏格兰牧羊犬而言,是无比的光荣。The well-fitting, proper-textured coat is the crowning glory of the rough variety of Collie.

影片的重心是一只笼内的狗与灵犬莱西隔著铁笼开始互吠。The main interaction of the film is a barking match between a caged dog and the costumed Collie.

她知道我会喜欢它,因为博德牧羊犬是这个星球上最聪明的狗。She knew that would appeal to me because the Border collie is the smartest species on the planet.

“我不想和玛格丽。豪跳,”我说的是一个穿背带裙、常牵着牧羊犬的女孩子。And I don't want to dance with Margery Howe, " I said of a girl who wore braces and had a collie."

当我顺着队列依次审查每只柯利的时候,我所做的第一件事情,就是观察他们的表情。The first thing I do when I judge the Collie is walk down that line-up to look at their expressions.

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它的大小跟牧羊犬差不多,从头到尾黑漆漆的,后来它跳起来,消失在荒野里。It was the size of a collie dog with jet-black head and tail. He leapt away and made off into the fields.

他们说,平均一只牧羊犬每年要吃194公斤肉和95公斤谷类食品,对地球环境产生巨大影响。They say an average Collie eats 164kg of meat and 95kg of cereals a year, giving it a high impact on the planet.

追溯到19世纪,我们能够找到一些对牧羊犬有所形容的出版物。At the end of the nineteenth century, you can find a type of 'Colley' that resembles the current Border Collie a lot.