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陵墓的北面入口及其漂亮,拱顶的门是雕刻所成,并镶嵌有精致的象牙。The door of the burial- vault is carved and decorated with fine ivory incrustation.

循环冷却水水质差是冷凝器表面结垢的主要原因。The circulating cooling water of low quality is the primary reason for incrustation.

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提出一种清除铝换热器表面水垢的新配方,该配方由有机磷酸和硝酸组成。A new formulation for removal of incrustation on aluminium heater surface is proposed.

水垢下面的管内壁产生晶间腐蚀而减薄。The wall of the pipes is becoming thinner and thinner as intergranular corrosion occurred under the incrustation.

为保证发动机正常运转,必须减少冷却系水垢的厚度。It is necessary to decrease the thickness of the incrustation in the cooling system in order to keep the engine operating normally.

探讨了锅炉运行中水垢的形成原因及危害,提出要有计划地对锅炉进行排污以保持炉水标准。The reason of incrustation forming of cooling was analyzed water and some common methods of disposing incrustation were introduced.

分析了冷却水水垢形成的原因,介绍了一些常规的防治办法,并举例说明了除垢对于节能和提高经济效率的意义。The reason of incrustation forming of cooling was analyzed water and some common methods of disposing incrustation were introduced.

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解决出水含垢问题是当今提高气压保温瓶质量和销售量的关键。The key to improve the quality and the sales volume of air-pressure thermoses is to solve the problem of water containing incrustation scale.

防止腐蚀的同时,进行防止水垢的生成,对专业的要求很高,我所对这项工作目前已较为成熟和可行。Simulaneously preventing the corrosion and incrustation is a high professional requirement. At present, this work of our institute is mature and feasible.

文中讨论了水管中垢瘤的生成机理和结垢对高炉操作的影响,以及冷却壁宏观破损过程的成因。This article discusses the mechanism of incrustation and its effect on the operation of BF , as well as the causes of the cooling stave macrobreakage course.

为在运行中检测管道的腐蚀、结垢情况,扫描仪必须小而轻屏蔽良好。In order to detect the eroding and incrustation of the petrochemical pipe during operation in fieldwork, the scanner must be small and light, and has good shielding.

主要病变包括大脑皮质、丘脑、海马、小脑和脊髓的神经细胞尼氏体溶解、核浓缩和细胞表面结痂。The major lesions included dissolution of Nissl bodies, pyknosis, and incrustation of neuronal surface in the cerebral cortex, thalamus, hippocampus, cerebellum and spinal cord.

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新塘、沙质底塘,水瘦、水锈造成难肥水,结合肥水剂使用,可得良好而稳定的水色。If poor water and incrustation leads to poor water in new pool and sandy bottom pool, combining this product with rich water fertilizer can acquire a good and stable water color.

对中央空调冷却、冷冻水,水垢产生的原因及危害进行了分析并介绍了循环水质处理的目的及循环水水垢处理方法。The author analyzes the central air conditioning cooling and frozen water, the reasons of incrustation shaping and their harm, introduces the aim and methods of treatment in this article.

本文对我厂老卤盐硝联产装置EV-302闪发罐内壁结盐块的原因进行了分析,提出了防治措施。This paper analyzes reasons for salt incrustation on the inside wall of EV-302 flash evaporator in the facility of co-production of salt and Glauber's salt and proposes prevention measures.

给出了模拟退火算法与单纯形法的镶嵌式结合方式以及模拟退火算法与鲍威尔法的串行式结合方式,并对其结合步骤进行了详细的阐述,以便于编程实现。The combination methods of serializer for SA and Powell algorithms and incrustation for SA and simplex algorithms are given in this paper, and their combined steps elaborated for easy programme.

为此,用计算机模拟的方法研究了高炉风口的温度分布及杂质含量和水垢对水冷铜风口温度场的影响。The temperature distribution of the tuyere as well as the influence of impurity and incrustation scale on the temperature field of the tuyere were investigated using numerical simulation method.